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requirements in the product specification.
The results of the analysis are used as a
basis for design decisions to make changes
to the LSI. Furthermore, engineers use
this environment to compare and contrast
completely different designs, such as
FOWLP and FCCSP architectures.
This closed-loop approach can be
executed quickly, empowering engineers
to explore a wide array of architectures.
Engineers use these iterative analyses to
assess costs and verification of electronic
characteristics. With deep insight into
the design space, engineers make optimal
SiP decisions.
Figure 5: LPB format.
Cross-company collaboration
Of course, few SiP architectures are
developed solely by a single company.
It is more frequent that one company
is responsible for LSI design, another
develops the board system, and another
is accountable for the package design.
In these more common circumstances,
the definitions of each design are spread
across many companies. This presents
a challenge. As each company explores
potential changes to the design of their
aspect of the SiP architecture, they must
synchronize their efforts with those of
all the other designs.
Fortunately, the LSI Package Board
(LPB) format solves the challenge
( F i g u r e 5 ). T h e L PB fo r m a t i s Figure 6: Prototype design.
authorized by IEC 63055/IEEE 2401 for
sharing and optimizing LSI, package, the prototype design approach allows • A s a n ex t s t e p , e l e c t r i c a l
and pr i nted ci rcuit board ( PCB) engineers to progressively add more characteristics can be verified with
design. Design Force can import both detail to their analyses as they emerge tool embedded, high-speed power
C-format, G-format, and N format- as follows: integrity and signal integrity
based designs as an LSI component that simulation. This confirms the
includes placement consideration, net • The earliest steps start with the power supply characteristics and
assignment, and design iteration. LSI prototype design. Initially, noise immunity.
The LPB format also allows multiple this only requires a minimal
companies to perfor m signal and amount of information such as the This progressive approach requires
power integrity analyses, and verify product specification, the signal minimal definition and information
electric characteristics with G-format. number of each function, and the at each step while providing insight
It enables portability across all of these power-to-ground ratio. The quick into performance. As the SiP design
companies. Multiple companies can prototyping environment uses this progresses, engineers get a more detailed
exchange their designs, allowing each information to generate the chip picture of the tradeoff between cost
to conduct their own analyses and, as floor plan with the input/output and performance. This method doesn’t
appropriate, contribute to a holistic cell, bump placement, and net just occur at a single stage of the design
simulation. Using this format eliminates assignment. process—it happens progressively.
t h e c h a l le n g e s a s s o c i a t e d w it h • Next up is package prototype
synchronization of efforts, enabling design. In this step, the net is A better way to determine SiP
cross-company collaboration. automatically assigned to package architectures
ball pins. It also defines escape Early decisions, influenced by costs
Adding detail progressively routings from bumps and auto- and driven by verification, are crucial
Early in development, only portions routes the package substrate. for SiP architectures. Traditional
of both LSI designs and packaging Engineers can reuse existing prototyping and testing approaches
designs might be available. Fortunately, reference designs. break down because of cost and time
Chip Scale Review March • April • 2020 [] 43