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Testing AiP modules in high-volume production for

        5G applications

        By Jose Moreira  [Advantest]
        T        he arrival of 5G promises   signals to the AiP antenna array with the   For high-volume production testing,

                 enhanced mobile broadband
                 (eMBB), massive machine-  needed gain and phase to each radiating   the objective is to check functionality
                                                                              of the DUT and not its compliance to
                                           element. The module would then usually
        type communication (mMTC), and ultra-  only require power, digital control   the standard. Low cost of test is critical
        reliable low-latency communication   signals, and modulated intermediate   because most of the end applications
        (URLLC). eMBB is already available   frequency (IF) signals.          are consumer-oriented. Also, to keep
        to consumers, who can pu rchase      AiP modules for 5G handsets need to   costs down it is important to be able to
        5G-capable handsets that can operate   be extremely small to fit into the modern   reuse as much as possible the test cell
        on 5G networks deployed by carriers in   cellphone form factor, and a multiple of   infrastructure already used for testing
        many regions throughout the world. But   them need to be used in a single cellphone   RF integrated circuits.
        as 5G rolls out, the test community faces   because the user’s hand position has a   From a test engineering point of view
        challenges and opportunities. That’s   significant impact on the transmitted   there are multiple possible steps in
        particularly true regarding the antenna   beam loss. Also, the AiP modules in a   testing an AiP module. First, the RF chip
        arrays that will connect handsets to base   cellphone might not be all equal, but in   (e.g., a wafer-level chip-scale package
        stations.                          fact have different antenna configurations   [WLCSP] part), is tested at wafer level.
          Most initial 5G deployments will   depending on the handset design.  This test can be either very simple and
        take place only using the sub-6GHz   The 3GPP standard defines three   low cost (e.g., mainly DC or even a
        frequencies used for previous generations   methods for the over-the-air (OTA)   wire loopback on the mmWave ports),
        of cellular technology, but they will be   standard  compliance  testing  of  AiP   or it can also include full mmWave
        enhanced later with the possibility of   modules: direct far field, indirect far   parametric  measurements  using  an
        short-range high data rate connections   field (e.g., compact antenna test range,   appropriate probe card and automatic test
        using mmWave frequencies. 5G new   or CATR), and near-field to far-field   equipment (ATE) system. After the AiP
        radio (5G NR) defines two ranges,   transformation. Each of these methods   module is assembled, the same question
        frequency range 1 (FR1) and frequency   have advantages and disadvantages,   on the types of tests to be performed
        range 2 (FR2). FR1 includes the sub-  but they all require relatively large test   on the AiP module can be evaluated. It
        6GHz frequencies, but FR2 opens up   chambers and a complex manipulator to   might consist of a simple low-cost DC
        mmWave frequencies above 24GHz for   rotate the AiP device under test (DUT) or   test or even some kind OTA loopback
        5G deployment. 5G NR leverages the FR2   the measurement antenna.     test, to a full parametric OTA test with
        frequencies to achieve larger modulation                              a measurement antenna. Finally, after
        bandwidths (for example, 800MHz). But                                 integration in the end product (e.g.,
        because of the high transmission loss at                              a 5G handset) a system-level type of
        these frequencies, it is necessary to use                             test might also be performed. The test
        antenna arrays for multiple-input and                                 strategy at each stage depends on the
        multiple-output (MIMO) functionality                                  overall test strategy for the AiP module.
        and to focus the transmission beam (beam                                Another important point is the AiP
        forming) in both the base station and the                             module calibration. For proper beam
        consumer’s handset. These arrays come                                 steering of the AiP module, it is critical
        in the form of antenna-in-package (AiP)                               that one is able to accurately set the
        modules, which are a critical part of the                             gain and phase at each antenna element.
        current 5G wireless communication wave.                               If this accuracy cannot be guaranteed
          For the handset, these AiP modules                                  by design or a built-in self-test (BIST)
        will usually have an array of dual                                    calibr at ion tech n ique, t hen t h is
        polarized patch antennas for top firing                               calibration step needs to be performed at
        and, in some instances, also an array of                              one of the test stages of the AiP module
        dipole antennas for side firing as shown                              testing, or worst case at system level
        in Figure 1. To keep RF losses to the                                 when the handset is assembled.
        antenna radiators to a minimum, the AiP                                 We will now concentrate on the case
        module includes an RF integrated circuit                              that a parametric OTA test is required
        that provides the modulated mmWave   Figure 1: Drawing of an example of a generic antenna   for an AiP module, but because of
                                           array module, comprising 12 dual-polarized patch
                                           antenna elements and seven dipole antenna elements.
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