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to SACB. Usage of underfill was also
                                                                              evaluated to improve FOWLP BLR-TC life.
                                                                              The SACA/no UBM case leg had the first
                                                                              fail at 369 cycles when no underfill is used.
                                                                              However, when underfill is used, the first
                                                                              failure was observed at 5,147 cycles, and
                                                                              only two fails were observed by testing up
                                                                              to 6,994 cycles. When a stiffer solder alloy
                                                                              is used, the BLR-TC failure mode often
                                                                              moves from the solder to the package RDL
                                                                              and silicon die BEOL cracking [6,7]. To
                                                                              overcome these package reliability risks
                                                                              across different levels of interconnects,
                                                                              the RDL stacks’ designs were optimized
        Figure 6: Weibull plots from BLR-TC test for different DOE legs for FOWLP: SACA no UBM, SACA UBM, SACB no   for the different solder alloys and no UBM
        UBM, and SACB UBM.                                                    and UBM metallizations. This resulted
                                                                              in improved package reliability for all
        coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)   Figure 6 shows the experimental BLR-
        mismatch between package and PCB, which   TC data for the different DOE legs: SACA   the different interconnect levels ranging
        in turn stresses the solder ball interconnect   no UBM, SACA UBM, SACB no UBM,   from the silicon BEOL, the package RDL
        between the package and PCB. Typical   and SACB UBM. The Weibull plot shows   interconnect, to the package/PCB solder
        failure modes are depicted in Figure 1. For   SACB solder alloys have significantly   joint. In addition to BLR-TC, AL-TC was
        fan-in wafer-level packages, this stress is   improved FOWLP BLR-TC performance.   also performed where the device product
        most severe where the Si is bonded to the   Table 4 lists the characteristic life cycles for   was mounted on board and underwent
        substrate because there is a large difference   the different DOE legs. SACA and SACB   temperature cycling. Full product functional
        in CTE between the Si and the PCB (~3ppm   alloys with UBM have between 23%- 29%   testing (FT) was used to detect failures. No
        for Si and ~15-20ppm for the board). The   improvement in characteristic life versus   FT fail or product performance degradation
        FOWLP body is a composite of silicon   no UBM. For no UBM, changing the solder   was observed up to 1500 AL-TC cycles.
        plus the mold compound, so the package   alloy from SACA to SACB leads to a 341%   Figure 7 shows drop test Weibull plots
        CTE is relatively higher than that of only   improvement in BLR-TC characteristic   for SACA no UBM, SACB no UBM, and
        silicon. Still, however, the CTE mismatch is   life. For the UBM case, the improvement in   SACB UBM. SACB solder had significantly
        quite large between package and PCB [10].   BLR-TC characteristic life is 363% when   better drop test reliability performance
        During temperature cycling, creep of the   the solder alloy is changed from SACA   compared to the SACA alloy. For the SACA
        solder interconnects occurs at the elevated                           no UBM leg, the first fail is observed at 35
        temperature of the thermal cycling.                                   drops. A sample failure rate of 50% was
          The mean characteristic life during BLR-                            observed when testing up to 500 drops.
        TC can be modeled and predicted by either                             For SACB solder alloys, drop testing was
        the accumulated creep strain energy density,                          done at a level of up to 1000 drops, and
        or the accumulated creep strain model                                 only one fail was observed for no UBM
        [11,12]. Accumulated creep strain and creep   Table 4: BLR-TC characteristic life (~63% fail) for   and UBM legs at 432 drops, and 679 drops,
        strain are direct representations of the creep   different solder alloys and no UBM, UBM case. Values   respectively. Figure 8 shows the bump
        damage that the solder joint undergoes   in parentheses indicate relative characteristic life   shear strength comparison between SACB
        during BLR-TC. For the same package   values, with SACA no UBM as the reference.   and SACA solder alloys at time 0, and after
        structure, using a stiffer and stronger
        solder alloy and UBM results in significant
        improvement in mean characteristic life
        [5]. In this work, four DOE legs were
        built with SACA and SACB solder alloys
        with, and without, a UBM. Table 3 shows
        the properties of solder alloys that were
        evaluated. Greater tensile strength of the
        solder has been known to increase the
        lifetime of the solder during cyclic bending
        in BLR-TC testing [6].

        Table 3: List of material properties of investigated
        solder alloys.                     Figure 7: Drop test Weibull plot: a) ∆ – SACA/no UBM; b)   - SACB/no UBM; and c) € - SACB/UBM.
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