Page 42 - Chip Scale Review_November December_2021-digital
P. 42

Figure 5: a) (left) TEM image of Ru-capped plasma-cleaned few-layer graphene; b) (right) Transfer characteristics curves of bilayer (BLG) devices showing the change in
        the on-current and shift in charge-neutrality point (CNP) for as-transferred and plasma-treated graphene after the “graphene plasma clean” step. The solid and dashed
        lines represent the upper and lower bounds of the transfer curves, respectively, obtained from 63 devices.
        dissipation. This observation is of interest   Engineering the graphene/metal interface   Towards industrial adoption
        for future interconnect applications, as   is, however, one of the most challenging   T hese result s demonst rate t he
        the self-heating in highly-scaled IC wires   bottlenecks. The (as-transferred) graphene   per for mance potential of hybr id
        and an insufficient heat dissipation to the   layer typically contains many randomly-  metal/graphene schemes in advanced
        surrounding dielectric can degrade the   oriented grains where the grain boundaries   interconnects. Yet, several integration
        interconnect’s thermal reliability.  act as line defects and nucleation centers   challenges remain to be solved before
          Overall, the researchers conclude that   for metal deposition on top surface. This   these interconnect schemes can be
        these graphene-capped metal/hybrid   makes it challenging for depositing a   adopted in a 300mm fab. For example,
        structures provide an answer to the RC   metal uniformly covering the entire basal   while this study focuses on graphene
        delay problem for future interconnects.   plane of graphene by means of traditional   t r a n sfe r, a more elega nt way of
        Imec envisions their introduction in the   deposition method such as PVD or atomic   depositing graphene would be direct
        BEOL technology roadmap for the 1nm   layer deposition (ALD). Moreover, after   growth on the metal template of interest.
        node and beyond. Yet, more fundamental   transfer, the graphene surface suffers from   Growing high-quality graphene requires,
        insights are needed to determine the   contamination—calling for a suitable   however, high-growth temperatures
        exact conduction mechanism taking   cleaning method that does not damage the   (900-1000°C) and, as such, cannot be
        place within the capped structure. Either   graphene layer.           applied on interconnect-type of metals.
        Ru remains the main conductor, with   In a laboratory study, the imec   Deposition at lower temperatures has
        graphene helping to reduce its resistivity   researchers performed a hydrogen   been demonstrated, but comes at the
        by suppressing scattering mechanism(s)   plasma cleaning of the graphene   expense of defectivity and reduced
        in the metal. Or, the two conductors now   surface (by using an Ar/H 2  downstream   quality of graphene.
        act in parallel, with a higher conductivity   plasma), and subsequently deposited   An alternative route that was applied in
        for graphene (with respect to intrinsic   the metal (i.e., Ru) by using electron   this study includes the transfer of high-
        graphene) because of the charge transfer.   beam evaporation (Figure 5a). It was   quality graphene that was previously
        Modeling work is currently ongoing to   then investigated how these processes   grown on platinum foils by using CVD.
        get a better understanding.        affected the electrical conductivity of   This transfer route provides an interesting
          Ruthenium-capped graphene. In    the graphene/Ru stack. They found that   approach when the thermal budget is
        the longer term, researchers at imec are   after exposure to hydrogen plasma,   restricted. At imec, delamination and
        looking into stacking alternating layers   graphene experiences n-doping and a   subsequent transfer of high-quality
        of graphene and metal to further boost   rise in charge carrier concentration.   graphene on 300mm wafers has been
        the electrical conductivity. In such a   Unfortunately, single-layer graphene   demonstrated, but might be challenged by
        metal/graphene/metal/etc. sandwich-  also suffers from plasma-induced   the topography of the underlying metal
        like structure, a second and different   defectivity. Thicker graphene films are   layer. This process also comes with a
        interface will now play an equally   observed to be less affected. Under these   significant addition of process steps and
        important role: the interface that results   conditions, an overall improvement of   calls for improved uniformity and process
        from depositing a layer of metal on   18% in electrical conductivity of Ru-  control. In addition, further research
        top of graphene. Just like in the above   capped (plasma treated) graphene devices   will be needed to optimally control the
        study, the nature of the graphene/metal   could be observed (Figure 5b). These   defectivity and specific orientation of
        interaction at the interface can modify   first results are encouraging, and further   the graphene layers. Studies at imec are
        the physical properties of graphene. And   improvements can be expected by tuning   ongoing to solve these integration issues
        its electronic band structure can also   the hydrogen plasma chemistry and   and to turn the hybrid graphene/metal
        be significantly altered by the charge   conditions, and by increasing the number   schemes into true industry-grade options.
        distribution at the interface.     of alternating layers [5].

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