Page 39 - ChipScale_Sep-Oct_2020-digital
P. 39

Katy Crist
 Director, Marketing & Communications
 Tokyo Electron
        Fluxless TCB of large-area dies with localized in situ

        oxide reduction

        By Bob Chylak, Adeel Bajwa, Tom Colosimo, Tom Palumbo  [Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.]
        T        o meet the demands  for   to remove oxides and is accomplished   altogether and it will further facilitate the

                 ever growing data, greater
                                                                              standoff heights. The second approach is
                 computing performance, lower   via dipping the solder-capped pillars into   transition to finer pitches and smaller die
                                           a cavity filled with flux, or by spraying
        power consumption, high bandwidth, and   it on the surface of the substrate. A key   to develop methods that can reduce the
        low latency in computationally challenging   requirement of a reliable assembly process   oxides on interface materials, such as
        applications such as server, mobile,   is to completely clean the flux residues   solder and copper, by means other than
        graphics, and artificial intelligence, etc.,   before the bonded die is underfilled. In   using flux. Inert environment chambers
        modern semiconductor chips often include   general, it is very hard to completely   (e.g., nitrogen gas), plasma treatments (e.g.,
        large amounts of complex circuitry.   remove these residues, especially when   Ar, H 2 ),  and noble metal finishes (e.g.,
        This leads to large chip sizes, which for   they are trapped underneath the die  Au), are some of the prominent approaches
        performance scaling reasons often come   Several factors, such as flux residue   that are being investigated both in
 YOU    with reduced interconnect sizes and   chemistry, die standoff height, die area,   academia and industry.
        pitches that are usually assembled in a flip-
                                           and interconnect density, etc., can affect
 C      chip fashion by either mass reflow, or more   the cleaning process. For large-area die   Previous work on fluxless bonding
        commonly through a thermal compression   (e.g., ≥1000mm ) with high interconnect   A number of research papers highlight
 M      bonding (TCB) process. Both methods   density and tight interconnect pitch,   the challenges with fluxless bonding. A
 SEE    typically require the application of flux   the entrapped flux residues are almost   few are discussed in the sections below.
 CM     and post-bonding flux residual removal   impossible to clean. Even more so, the   Reducing and inert environment
        steps, which in general adds process   trends in increasing interconnect densities   approaches. Although inert gases such
 MY     complexity. Even more so, the shrinking   and decreasing die standoff heights will   as Ar and N 2  provide an excellent inert
 CY     contact size and pitch results in short die   make flux residue cleaning more and more   medium for soldering, they are still
 CMY    standoff heights, e.g., 30-50µm, and this   challenging. Furthermore, the underfill   limited in terms of removing the existing
        makes it extremely difficult to clean the   material does not adhere to the surface,   oxides on the bonding surfaces. Some
 K      flux residues.                     which is contaminated with flux residues.   commercially-available tools are equipped
 NEXT.  size die (e.g., 32mm X 28mm) would   The inability to clean residues can result   with inert environment chambers, but they
          To put this into perspective, a full reticle
                                           in formation of voids during the molding
                                                                              do not prevent the use of flux materials.
        contain approximately 442,000 contacts
                                           challenges  because  the  solder  will
        at 45µm pitch. We are proposing a fluxless   process. These voids pose serious reliability   Furthermore, they often require very high
                                                                              gas flows (i.e., ≥1000L/min) and the gas
        TCB bonding process solution, which   potentially leak into these voids during the   consumptions are not economically viable.
        eliminates the need for flux application   reflow, and the solder will often short to the   The flux application on a substrate
        and therefore, post-bonding flux residual   adjacent interconnect resulting in a failure.   is generally always required before it
        cleaning steps. These flux residuals pose   If the failure is not caught in testing, then   makes its way to the bonding chamber.
        severe package reliability concerns.   it can potentially occur when the chip is   The reducing gas (e.g., formic acid [FA])
        Our proposed fluxless method relies on   soldered to the printed circuit board (PCB),   vapor-based mass reflow technology has
 WE  Attract, hire and retain your 21st century   localized in situ reduction of oxides, using   again, resulting in a field failure.  been around for quite some time, which
                                             In  response  to  these  issues,  f lux
        formic acid vapors, from the contact
                                                                              eliminates the need for pre-reflow fluxing
 workforce with SEMI.
                                           manufacturers have developed “no-clean”
        surfaces just prior to and during the
        bonding process. This method prevents   fluxes. While these fluxes do leave less   and post-reflow flux residue cleanup steps.
                                                                                Noble metal finishes. Intel introduced
                                           residues, the residues that are left are
        flux process-related overheads and at the
 ATTRACT   No one does MORE to fill the talent pipeline for the   same time, achieves the same result.  even more difficult to clean. The no-clean   intended to be used for fluxless bonding
                                                                              the concept of solder preforms that are
                                           fluxes, when used improperly, can lead to
                                                                              applications. These preforms consist of a
 semiconductor industry. SEMI connects industry, talent and
 education for members worldwide. To access the next   Challenges: large area dies/high-  electrochemical migration and dendritic   low melting point metal (e.g., tin, indium,
                                           growth [1]. Currently, the semiconductor
                                                                              etc.) and are further capped with a more
        density interconnects
 WHO’S  generation of leading minds, visit   flip-chip based TCB process, regardless   industry is looking at two potential   noble metal finish (e.g., gold, palladium,
          The fundamental requirement for any
                                           approaches to address these issues. First,
                                                                              etc.) to protect it against the oxidation.
        of the die size and the interconnect pitch,   there has been R&D activity to eliminate   The preforms are sandwiched between the
        is to get rid of oxides from the mating   solder-based materials by developing direct   mating surfaces and the entire assembly is
 NEXT.  SEMIISMORE  interfaces so that they can wet and bond   eliminate the requirement for fluxing   brought to the melting point of the preform,
                                           Cu-to-Cu bonding technology. This would
                                                                              which upon melting, dissolves the noble
        reliably. Fluxing is the most common way
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