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even laminate. The end result is a high- Xilinx FPGA noted earlier. Today, this
performance pseudo-SoC built at a much technology is most commonly referred to
lower cost in less time. A chiplet-based as 2.5D-IC packaging.
design approach is very similar to what About ten years ago, semiconductor
we today call a package or SiP. But it’s foundries started to enter the world of
also similar to designing a very small backend design, or what most now call
printed circuit board (PCB) because each advanced packaging. The foundry-based
chiplet will be built with a common/ approach of high-density RDL also drove
known communication interface such as renewed interest in fan-out wafer-level
peripheral component interconnect (PCI), packaging (FOWLP), and now, with
HBM, or advanced interface bus (AIB). support for multiple die, interest is at an
Table 1: Chiplet tradeoffs. all-time high. Additionally, in an effort
Where do we go from here? to further increase bandwidth, 3D-IC
So far, I’ve only talked about the heterogeneously integrated multi-chip packaging – meaning wafer-on-wafer, or
upside to a chiplet-based architecture. products for decades. EDA companies chip-on-wafer stacking – has new life.
Now I’ll discuss some of the challenges. started to develop tools for advanced If we look at the chiplet trend more
Even though designs are being built today packaging in the early 1990s around the closely, a key takeaway is that next-
with multiple chiplets, the vast majority time the ball grid array (BGA) provided a generation chiplet-based technologies
of this work is being done captively. high-performance, small form factor option are just a new way of partitioning logic
That is to say, most chiplet-based to the mechanical lead frame package. that aligns nicely with advancements
designs currently are being developed As a reminder, the world of the multi- in package manufacturing technologies
at vertically-integrated companies that chip-module (MCM), which is still quite (Figure 2).
are designing both the chiplets and the common for some applications, dates
modularized or disaggregated SoC. back to the 1960s. The term SiP began to Tools and flows for heterogeneous
To move chiplet-based architectures replace the term MCM in the late 1990s integration
into the mainstream, chiplets need to as wafer-level testing became ubiquitous When it comes to EDA design tools,
become widely available, and the vision and the known good die (KGD) problem transitioning to a chiplet-based approach
of commercialized chiplets will require that plagued MCM design started to brings new challenges for both chip
IP providers to devise a suitable business become less of an issue. This is also designers and package designers. Here
model. This effort is ongoing as of this about the time that package designers are a few things to consider:
writing. One obvious area that can help started stacking die—yes, 3D stacking
propel this vision is the development is not new to package designers. In the • For the package designer, doing
and documentation of chiplet standards, early-mid 2000s, RF modules started to layout and verification of silicon
such as: 1) I/O pitch, 2) communication move to the laminate BGA packages that substrates presents new challenges.
interface and corresponding “compliance are so common in today’s smart phones Requirements such as layout vs.
kit,” and 3) thermal power model. The list and watches. Moving to the modern schematic (LVS) and smart metal
goes on. The good news is that there are world of advanced multi-chip packaging, balancing are commonplace for IC
several organizations actively working silicon substrates now provide a high- designers, but for many package
to close the readily available chiplet gap. density alternative to organic substrates, designers, these are new concepts.
This includes U.S. government programs thanks in large part to the introduction of • For the chip designer, there are many
and standards bodies such as Open TSVs. The earliest example of leveraging new design requirements as well.
Compute Project/Open Domain-Specific TSV-based silicon interposer technology For example, when moving from
Architecture (OCP/ODSA). that I’m aware of was the re-partitioned
Last, but not least, the question
becomes, will the expected lower
performance, higher power consumption
and larger area of chiplet-based
architectures be acceptable for a
generation of SoC engineers that has
placed tremendous value on the ideal
power, performance, and area (PPA)
(Table 1)? Time will tell.
The transition to a chiplet-based
architecture is really more of a subtle
change if you consider the evolution
of semiconductor packaging. In the
packaging world, we’ve been designing Figure 2: History of multi-chip(let) design.
6 6 Chip Scale Review July • August • 2020 []