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Figure 3: Integrated chiplet design flow.
designing a single device to designing for designing multi-chiplet-based Fr om t he s ys t e m -level d e sig n
and/or integrating multiple devices, packages, starting with a single logical framework discussed above, the user
the requirement for defining and hierarchical representation of the should be able to design and/or import
managing top-level connectivity complete multi-chiplet design from the multiple chips or chiplets across any
becomes crucial. transistor level of each chiplet up to technology or node. The designer
• Test is another area that changes the full system-level design (Figure would then instantiate each chiplet
significantly when designing multiple 3). This system-level schematic is the schematic symbol into the top system-
chiplets in a 3D stack. For example, basis for seamless LVS and functional level schematic, where additional
how do you test the chiplet in the top verification that ideally includes layout package-/board-level devices could
of the stack that may not have any parasitics across chiplets, interposers easily be added from the system-
connections to the outside world? The and package substrates. It should even level library. This schematic serves
list goes on. extend to the PCB if the user desires. multiple purposes, including system-
A novel approach to chiplet/package aware functional simulation, and
The bottom line is that laying-out co-design can also be enabled as maybe most importantly, it provides the
and verifying designs with multiple part of this holistic, system-level golden netlist required to perform LVS
chiplets will introduce new challenges design platform. Finally, multiple checking of the complete system-level
for both the IC design team, as well as electromagnetic field solvers, including design. This methodology provides the
the package designers. Design tools and finite element method (FEM) and designer system-level signoff confidence
methodologies that have been extended method of moments (MoM), must at the same level they have when signing
to support multiple chiplets play a be integrated in the f low, allowing off on their individual chiplet.
crucial role in the success or failure of streamlined device modeling and layout
your next project. parasitic extraction for both on-chiplet Biography
F r o m a n E DA t o o l p r o v i d e r and off-chiplet geometries. There John Park is the Product Management
perspective, it’s important to develop should be automation that seamlessly Group Director for Advanced IC
cross-domain design flows that provide stitches the electrical models back Packaging at Cadence, based in Boulder,
users with a platform to seamlessly into the golden hierarchical system- CO. In this role, John leads a team
plan, design, analyze and verify across level schematic. Such a platfor m focused on the development of advanced
chiplet, interposer, package substrate, would provide designers an easy way semiconductor packaging and IC/
and board. This platfor m should to transition into the world of chiplet- package/PCB cross-platform solutions.
provide many unique capabilities based architectures. Email
8 8 Chip Scale Review July • August • 2020 []