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systems; as such, these lithography tools   next generation of extremely large field   In the past, the semiconductor industry
        are also being used for RDL patterning   steppers arrive with higher NA to support   referenced the International Technology
        involving AICS CCL. Of course, LDI has   less than 2/2µm l/s.         Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) to
        the advantage of not requiring reticles, but   At this time, R&D programs using   align original equipment manufacturers
        it is limited in resolution and throughput   CCL and/or glass substrates are racing   (OEMs) with material and substrate
        and not suitable for high-volume   toward the 2/2µm l/s node. HVM is still at   suppliers to deliver solutions with a clear
        manufacturing (HVM). LDI is more of a   9/12µm l/s and is moving slowly towards   indication of timing. Unfortunately, the
        research and development (R&D) tool to   5/5µm l/s, with lithography requirements   Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap
        test out new designs and prototype larger   easily satisfied by the extremely large   (HIR) does not have the level of detail
        geometry packages.                 field size steppers. The HVM of glass   required for lithography.
          For AICS CCL processes, HVM      substrates and 2/2µm l/s are not expected   In the absence of a detailed industry-
        steppers have low NA, which provide   to occur until the end of the decade, so   d e f i n e d l i t ho g r a ph y r o a d m a p ,
        a large DOF; this allows steppers to   there is still time to gain a comprehensive   collaboration between OEMs and the
        easily accommodate the non-flatness   understanding of the lithography   material/substrate supply chain will
        of the substrate material. Currently, the   requirements for 2/2µm l/s. Still, there   be imperative. To help meet these
        RDL l/s resolution for extremely large   are many lithography questions that   challenges, Onto In novation has
        field size HVM steppers is limited to   need to be answered. For instance, what   established the Packaging Application
        3µm. However, as we move closer to   is the correct NA and DOF requirement   Center  of Excellence ( PACE)  i n
        RDL of 2/2µm l/s, stepper solutions   and field size? Of course, customers are   ou r Wilming ton, Massachuset ts,
        are available, albeit with smaller field   looking for these performance parameters   headquarters to address this issue.
        sizes. The downside here is that such   to go beyond the laws of physics, so   Collaborators are already engaged with
        solutions limit package sizes to less than   there needs to be more discussions and   the company in defining projects to
        60mm x 60mm—smaller than what most   collaboration to determine what will    help answer many of the most pressing
        advanced packages will need—until the   be required.                  lithography questions.
                                                                                PACE will provide access to next-
                                                                              generation ext remely large-f ield
                                                                              steppers, inspection, metrology and
                                                                              software capabilities that are currently
                                                                              in development. Furthermore, OEMs
                                                                              and supply chain partners will be able to
                                                                              develop next-generation materials using
                                                                              the center’s infrastructure and its team’s
                                                                              advanced packaging knowledge to provide
                                                                              customers with the solutions they need
                                                                              to accelerate their technology roadmaps,
                                                                              whether the future is in CCL or glass.
                                                                                This collaborative opportunity posed
                                                                              by PACE may help determine the answer
                                                                              to the bigger question of which technology
                                                                              will win the race: copper clad laminate or
                                                                              glass. Until then, the debate continues.

                                                                                Doug Brown is Senior Director of
                                                                              Product Management, Lithography, at
                                                                              Onto Innovation, Wilmington, MA. He is a
                                                                              graduate of the U. of Arizona, with a PhD
                                                                              in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s
                                                                              in Electrical Engineering and another
                                                                              Master’s in Physics. For the past 25 years,
                                                                              his focus has been on capital equipment
                                                                              development for the semiconductor
                                                                              industry, with tool introductions spanning
                                                                              plasma etch, deposition, ion implantation,
                                                                              liquid metrology and lithography. Email

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