Page 13 - Chip Scale Review_March April_2023-digital
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The distributed computing concept   the use of hybrid bonding technology   9. Y. Kagawa, et al., “Novel stacked
        for the new chiplet era is driven by   for its product roadmaps for high-end   CMOS image sensor with advanced
        reduction of yield loss due to defect   performance enhancements without   Cu2Cu hybrid bonding,” IEEE
        density. The same defect density   the need to wait for the next advanced   IEDM, Dec. 3-7, 2016.
        cost drivers that moved the industry   node transistor release. The ability to   10. P. Clark, “China’s YMTC takes lead
        away from monolithic die to chiplets   use advanced packaging technology   in 3D-NAND memory,” EETimes,
        is also important for hybrid bond   to achieve the equivalent performance   Technology News, April 13, 2020.
        interconnect technology that requires a   of an advanced node – in a shorter   11. J. A. Theil, et al., “Analysis of die
        clean environment. This alignment of   development time – has the chiplet   edge bond pads in hybrid bonded
        shrinking components for a distributed   industry exhilarated about a ubiquitous   multi-die stacks,” 72nd IEEE ECTC
        architect u re  is  advantageous  for   heterogeneous integration supply   (2022).
        hybrid bond yield enhancements too.   chain.  While  the  future  will  unveil   12. G. Gao, et al., “Low-temperature
        The combined enhancements of die   the proliferation rate of this high-    hybrid bonding for die to wafer
        yield, electrical performance and   performance interconnect through the   stacking applications,” 71st IEEE
        thermal performance is a compelling   supply chain and market, it appears   ECTC (2021).
        argument to integrate the 3D chiplet   this is only the beginning of a new   13. A. Agrawal, et. al., “Thermal and
        with a hybrid bond interconnect.   generation of packaging innovation      electrical performance of direct
        T he c o n s e r va t ive n a t u r e of t he   with hybrid bonding.       bond interconnect technology for
        semiconductor industry demands that                                        2.5 and 3D integrated circuits,”
        we invest in technologies that will   References                           IEEE 67th ECTC, May 2017.
        serve multi-generations of product    1. G l o ba l  H i g h -P e r f o r m a nc e  14. K. Heyman, “DRAM thermal
        enhancements that echoes the value of   Computing (HPC) market size by     issues reach crisis point,” June 9,
        the scalable hybrid bond interconnect.   component (solutions, services)   2022, Semiconductor Engineering.
        L .  C a o  o f  A S E  e x p l a i n e d t h e   Deployment type (on-Premise,  15. L. Cao, ”Advanced packaging
        significant value advanced packaging    Cloud); Report ID 6826. By server  tech nolog y for chiplets and
        brings to the semiconductor industry    Price Band; Sept. 2022.            heterogeneous integration,” Chiplet
        by offer ing numerous options to      2. S. Naffziger, “Chiplet architecture  Summit Conf., 2023.
        achieve higher performance modules      for high-performance server and  16. L.  Su, Computex  2021, May
        [15]. More importantly, the OSATs       desktop products,” International   2021;
        appear to be evaluating hybrid bonding   Solid State Circuits Conf. (2020).  watch?v=gqAYMx34euU
        technology and the appropriate timing   3. L. Mirkarimi, A. Nuruzzaman, “A
        to provide that service, which signifies   new era of computing performance
        t he ex p e c t at ion of h ig h -volu me   with hybrid bonding,” Chip Scale
        customer interest [15].                 Review, July-Aug 2021.
                                              4. “The Semiconductor and Packaging
        Summary                                 Report,” Prismark Partners, 2022.
          AMD, an industry leader in 2.5D     5. CHIPS:
        chiplet architecture, released its 3D   program/common-heterogeneous-
        chiplet technology and first hybrid-    integration-and-ip-reuse-strategies
        bonded module for the Ryzen series    6. T. Hackenberg, “The chiplet
        5900 [16]. The L3 cache is bonded to a   market,” Chiplet Summit Conf.,
        5000 series processor. The interconnect   Jan. 2023 (San Jose, CA).
        pitch  of  ~9μm  is  only  achievable   7. P. Kennedy, “Intel enters a new
        via a hybrid-bond interconnect and      era of chiplets that will change
        represents a 200x times the density of   everything,” Serve the Home
        2D chiplets. Similarly, other thermal   Forum, Aug. 2022.
        enhancing die were bonded in this     8. B. Baktha, “RISC-V and chiplets
        module to obtain the 15% average        powering the next leap forward in
        performance improvement, which is       compute systems architecture,”
        equivalent to an advanced node. After   Chiplet Summit, Jan. 2023 (San
        this announcement, Intel discussed      Jose, CA).

                         Laura Mirkarimi is SVP of Engineering at Adeia, Inc., San Jose, California. She earned a PhD in Materials
                       Science at Northwestern U. She leads the 3D Technology Team at Adeia and focuses on hybrid bonding,
                       advanced packaging and thermal management technologies for future generations of electronic products. Prior
                       to Adeia, she developed electronic devices including ferroelectric memory, transparent conductors and photonic
                       crystal sensors at Hewlett Packard Laboratories for 12 years.  Email

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