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Figure 2: Lithography patterning roadmap for fan-in and fan-out wafer-level packages until 2025. SOURCE: Yole Développement (Yole)
Also enabled are thick-resist exposures patterning of materials such as silicon, wafer-level layout and individual-die layout
supporting high aspect ratios typically mold, glass, polymers and laminates using patterning simultaneously—in particular,
seen in wafer-level packaging, MEMS the same optics. It even compensates ad hoc individual die annotation, serial
structuring, microfluidics and integrated for substrate bow and warp, which is number or encryption key implementation.
silicon photonics applications. especially important for applications like Programmable modulations of UV dosage
The application space for maskless fan-out wafer-level packaging (FOWLP). during the patterning process enable
exposure is very wide. For specialty and This delivers continuous, high-yield resist thickness level variation after the
low-volume products, such as multi-project lithography at high throughput. development process. This feature enables
wafers in photonics, mask costs for design the fabrication of complex 3D multi-level
and tape-out changes are rather high, and CSR: Could you please provide resist patterns applicable in future MEMS,
here MLE provides a very cost-attractive additional background details with respect novel photonic devices or micro-optical
alternative. Overall, performance and to advanced packaging requirements that elements (refractive, diffractive). The
flexibility are two drivers for heterogeneous drive the need for maskless lithography? digital programmable die/wafer layout can
integration. At the same time, die placement EVG: Reconstitution of wafers is a be stored in numerous industry standard
and shrinking interconnect pitches for multi- central element of advanced packaging, vector file formats (e.g., GDSII, Gerber,
chip modules emphasize the importance of joi n i ng dies f rom va r ious wafer OASIS, ODB++, or BMP). The vector
maskless exposure. manufacturers, as well as various sizes. Die layout with any given pattern complexity
placement and die shift by overmolding is computationally processed (rasterized)
CSR: Could you delve further into the add an additional layer of difficulty with within a few seconds and stored in bitmap
improved scalability of the technology? which current lithography steppers and format. As a result, neither resist type
EVG: The HVM capability of maskless other mask-based systems cannot cope. In (positive/negative), exposure dose level,
exposure is a major game changer for end addition, reticle size is limiting large die nor any given design layout complexity
users. Previously, back-end lithography interposer fabrication, where stitch lines in have any impact on the speed of the
results achieved during R&D using the redistribution layer can alter electrical patterning process.
direct imaging equipment lacked the properties. The ability to use a stitchless
technological resilience for HVM lines exposure method for interposers exceeding Biography
equipped with steppers. The industry now, 55mm in length is increasingly important Paul Lindner is Executive Technology
however, will see increasing product mix for high-performance compute devices Director of EV Group, St. Florian, Austria.
as chiplets and segmented dies will be a needed for advanced graphics processing, He has more than 30 years of semiconductor,
driver for continued performance scaling, artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G. MEMS and related process experience.
as well as variability of applications, MLE technology is able to adapt to In his current role, he heads EVG’s R&D,
triggering the need for dynamic patterning high-substrate stress, bow and warp product and project management, quality
at various resist thicknesses and dose levels thanks to integrated dynamic alignment management, business development
(see Figure 2). MLE provides a high depth that allows it to adjust to substrate and process technology departments.
of focus at 2µm production resolution material and surface variation while Customer orientation throughout all steps
leveraging the physical diffraction limit actively compensating for mechanical die of product development, innovation and
established by the optics. At the same placement and stress-induced inaccuracies implementation in a production environment
time, the scalability of MLE is broad in (such as rotation, shift, expansion and are among the main goals of EVG’s
scope. Combining these highly flexible and high-order distortion errors). In parallel, technology groups headed by Lindner.
volume-proven handling platforms allows MLE allows real-time digital/‘binary’ Email:
10 Chip Scale Review March • April • 2020 []