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interconnect level, we have developed   and photonic devices are integrated onto   power for autonomous vehicles with
        materials and processes to minimize   one single silicon chip using CMOS   quantum AI to reduce fatalities to zero;
        RC delays with lower resistance and   fabrication techniques. While there are   and 3) Eliminating cybersecurity issues.
        lower capacitance redistribution layer   many advantages to this technology,   Quantum  computers  are  expected
        (RDL) wiring. At the system level, it   including smaller size (400nm waveguide   to be developed in a Moore’s law–like
        can be directly assembled to both Si ICs   width) and mature CMOS manufacturing   fashion—every year from 50 today, to
        and organic boards, without another   processes, it also has many challenges   about 5-10,000 by 2030. Amazon Web
        layer  of  packaging—unlike  with  Si   that include fiber coupling and the fact   Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM, and
        packages. A number of new packaging   that Si doesn’t lase, requiring alternate   others have already announced quantum
        paradigms developed in the Georgia   on-silicon light sources.        offerings. Initially, quantum computing
        Tech consortium include large-panel                                   adoption will be a hybrid approach, in
        processing (in excess of 500mm sizes),   Quantum electronics          which parts of the problem would be
        development of 1-micron lithography   Quantum physics has been a branch of   handled by classical computing, and other
        tools, low dielectric constant polymer   physics for decades with many branches   parts by quantum AI. Mimicking the
        dielectric materials and processes with   of study within it that include quantum   human brain may be the ultimate AI.
        a high aspect ratio of conductors with   chemistry, quantum simulations, quantum
        lower resistance and a high degree of   machine learning, quantum algorithms,   References
        planarity without chemical mechanical   and quantum communications. Quantum   1.  R. Keys, “Physical limits of silicon
        polishing (CMP), and barrier metals to   computing (QC) has been a topic of   transistors and circuits,” Rep. prog.
        improve electromigration of closely-  research for more than two decades. As   physics, 68, 2701-2746, 2005.
        spaced conductors. In addition, a new   Moore’s Law-driven electronics begins   2.  G. E. Moore, “Cramming more
        3D package architecture, referred   to slow down in terms of its ability to   components into integrated circuits,”
        to as 3DGPE, that advances 3D by   provide increased computing at lower   Electronics, 38(8), 1965.
        embedding with ultra-short and low-RC   power, scientists at companies like IBM   3.  R. H. Dennard, IEEE J. Solid State
        interconnections, helps achieve higher   began to explore quantum devices.   Circuits, SC-9, 256, 1974.
        bandwidth than with Si interposers.   Unlike current digital systems that are   4.  P. Ruch, et al., “Toward five-
                                           programmed with bits as data units,    dimensional scaling: How density
        Optoelectronic packaging           either 0 or 1, quantum computers use   improves eff iciency in future
          Photonics has long been viewed as   qubits, which can represent a combination   computers,” IBM J. R&D Vol. 55(5)
        providing higher bandwidth at lower   of both 0 and 1 at the same time, based   151-157, 2011.
        power in smaller and lighter packages   on the principle of superposition.This   5.  H. Moravec, “When will computer
        than electronics. It is also immune to   difference makes quantum computers   h a r d wa r e m a t c h t h e h u m a n
        electromagnetic interference (EMI).   exponentially  faster  than cur rent   brain,” J. Evol. Technology, online
        The technology has been used not only   mainframes and servers. 
        for long-distance communications,    In addition, quantum computers can do   6.  Alexandre Ménard, I. Ostojic, M.
        but also for system s to system s   multiple calculations with multiple inputs   Patel, D. Volz, “A game plan for
        intercon nections. As elect ronics   simultaneously, unlike today’s computers   quantum computing,” McKinsey
        reach bandwidth limits on account of   that can handle only one set of inputs   Quarterly, Feb. 2020.
        Moore’s Law limits as described above,   and one calculation at a time. With 50
        optoelectronics becomes a necessary   qubits, for example, the computing power   Biography
        solution to achieve bandwidths towards   can be 2 to the power of 50. When the   Rao Tummala is a Distinguished and
        1Pb/s. Within optoelectronics, there   industry gets to 1000 qubits that becomes   Endowed Chair Professor Emeritus at
        are many ways to improve bandwidth   2 to the power of 1000. Currently, qubits   Georgia Tech, USA. Prior to Georgia
        including multiplexing: more links per   are at about 50, but even at these low   Tech, he was an IBM Fellow. He has
        optical channel, wavelength-division   numbers, the computing power has been   published about 800 technical papers and
        multiplexing (i.e., an approach that uses   demonstrated well in excess of the best   invented technologies that resulted in
        multiple wavelengths over the same   supercomputers at much lower power.   100 patents. He has written seven books
        medium), as well as modulation methods,   Two factors driving qubits are quality   including the first modern Handbook in
        such as pulse amplitude modulation—an   and number. Currently, the most visible   packaging, Microelectronics Packaging
        approach that provides more bits in the   and dominant companies include IBM,   Handbook (1988), and the latest undergrad
        same amount of time.               Microsoft, and Google. All the large   textbook, Fundamentals of Device and
          While there are many ways to fabricate   semiconductor and systems companies are   Systems Packaging (2019). He was a past
        optoelectronics modules, the most   known to have large internal programs [6].  President of IEEE EPS and IMAPS and
        desirable technology is one that is made of   Applications for quantum computing   is an IEEE Fellow and  member of the
        silicon, as silicon is the most studied and   are many and include: 1) Rapid R&D for   National Academy of Engineering. Email
        used in microelectronics. This is referred   chemicals and pharmaceutical materials
        to as Si photonics, whereby electronic   with simulations; 2) Supercomputing

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