Page 63 - Chip Scale Review_November December_2021-digital
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                                                                                This article is based on the article “ATE
                                                                              in the Age of Convergence and Exascale
                                                                              Computing,” by Matthias Stahl, Business
                                                                              Development Manager, Advantest Corp.,
                                                                              in GO SEMI & BEYOND, Feb. 25, 2021.
                                                                                1.  “Global Semiconductor Sales
                                                                                  Increase  1.9%  Month-to-Month
                                                                                  in April; Annual Sales Projected
                                                                                  to Increase 19.7% in 2021, 8.8%
                                                                                  in 2022,” Semiconductor Industry
                                                                                  Association, June 9, 2021.
                                                                                3.  T. Trader, “Frontier to Meet 20MW
                                                                                  Exascale Power Target Set by DARPA
        Figure 4: This eye diagram representing a 5Gbps differential signal shows a 55% height and 75% width.  in 2008,” HPCwire, July 14, 2021.
        implementations, including parallel, multiplexed, and HSIO scan.
        In addition, its configuration flexibility supports high site count,
        allowing users to speed their overall test time by performing
        parallel core test. The Pin Scale 5000 offers 3.5-gigavector (GVec)
        scan memory per pin or 28GVec scan memory per eight pins
        using pooling and fan-out technology. Figures 3 and 4 show
        Pin Scale 5000 measurement examples. The Figure 3 phase-
        noise measurement example shows that the RMS jitter is just
        0.9ps, below the specified 1.5ps. The Figure 4 eye diagram
        representing a 5Gbps differential signal shows a 55% height and
        75% width. Finally, EXA Scale offers three new extended test
        heads that scale from engineering configurations to high-count
        multisite systems and all feature a zero-footprint design—all
        electronics are integrated into the test head, eliminating the need
        for a separate rack.

          In summary, the age of convergence has arrived, and we are
        crossing into the exascale computing frontier, even if the exascale
        computer named Frontier has yet to execute any calculations at an
        exaflop rate. Convergence and exascale computing have combined
        to place stringent new demands on semiconductor ATE, including
        requirements for more vector memory, for scan over HSIO
        interfaces, for more bulk power and power domains, for better
        DPS performance, and for higher multisite test counts. In addition,
        ATE must implement more and faster data collection operations
        to accelerate yield learning, and it must have the ability to handle
        integrated PMICs and the increasing levels of RF integration into
        big digital chips. Advances arising throughout the industry in
        pursuit of convergence and exascale computing can be integrated
        into ATE to meet the emerging new requirements.

                         Matthias Stahl is Business Development Manager at Advantest Corp., Boeblingen, Germany. He is
                       responsible for the V93000 product line. Throughout his 30-year career in ATE he has also held positions
                       in technical marketing and application engineering. He holds a Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering and
                       Electronics from the U. of Braunschweig, Germany. Email:

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