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Figure 5: Key OSATS positioning by technology and revenue. SOURCE: [1]
        packaging production to the OSATS.   taken by foundries, especially in high-  Of the ~US$3 billion, the majority of
        It is believed that the outsourcing of   end devices. Foundries have flexed their   M&A value was only from 7 deals: the
        packaging activities is growing at a   financial muscle for investments, and   JCET acquisition of STATSChip PAC
        faster rate for the IDMs. The balance of   locked-in major customers by leveraging   (US$780 million), the TFME takeover of
        packaging value between the OSATS and   front-end legacy with abundant capability   AMD plants in China (US$371 million),
        IDMs is relatively well maintained.  and know-how to utilize wafer-level-  the Amkor takeover of J-Devices (US$105
          I n v i e w o f t h i s c o m p e t i t i v e   packaging. This has led to price and   million), the Huatian takeover of Unisem
        environment within the semiconductor   margin declines for OSATS in the   (US$451 million), the Nepes takeover
        supply chain, OSATS are increasingly   megatrend driven business in the high-  of Deca Philippines factory (~US$200
        trying to reposition their business by   end market segment.          million), the Amkor takeover of Nanium
        moving from a pure manufacturing     The OSAT business model is still   (undisclosed amount), and Samsung
        service provider model to providing   seen as appealing with the growing   Electronics’ acquisition of SEMCO PLP
        turnkey offerings. In fact, OSATS were   importance  of advanced packaging.   business (~US$750 million) [1].
        early adopters of wafer-level packaging   Looking forward, however, OSATS   The packaging/assembly business was
        technologies, including options for fan in   will need to defend their market from   traditionally the domain of OSATS and
        and fan out. The intensity in this area has   foundries in order to increase, or at least   IDMs. Players from different business
        increased over the past years because this   maintain, growth rates.  models, i.e., foundries, substrate/printed
        technology enabled OSATS, foundries                                   circuit board (PCB) suppliers and
        and IDMs to venture into the shared   M&A scenarios for OSATS in      electronics manufacturing services (EMS)/
        territory of semiconductor packaging and   2020-2025                  original design manufacturer (ODM) are
        wafer-level processing at the far back end   Semiconductor M&A deals, which   entering the packaging/assembly business
        of the line.                       were in continuous decline since 2015   and cannibalizing the OSAT business.
          OSATS are carefully strategizing   from a historic high of ~US$108 billion,   Consolidation through M&As is one of the
        their product and technology portfolios   has increased in 2019 by 22%, compared   ways for OSATS to survive in an era when
        (Figure 5). Moving into 2.5D and 3D   to 2018. There were more than 30   players from different business models are
        technology offerings, and combining   semiconductor acquisition agreements in   entering the advanced packaging segment.
        these offer i ngs with wafer-level   2019 with a combined value of US$31.7   Based on their revenue size and
        packaging, when suitable, is a way to   billion, which was a 22% increase   technology level, we propose various
        bring margins back to a healthier level,   from US$25.9 billion. Of the total   M&A scenarios among OSATS: 1) Small
        making use of the upstream investment   semiconductor M&As, semiconductor   size - Medium AP technology Level
        deployed. However, OSATS face      packaging M&A was only worth ~US$3   OSATS acquired by Tier 1 OSATS; 2)
        roadblocks because this position has   billion in all of the past four years   M&As among Tier 1 OSATS; 3) M&As
        been made redundant with the position   combined [1].                 among players having complementary

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