Page 39 - Chip Scale Review_March April_2023-digital
P. 39
requires an eye mask with a width of
0.7UI (i.e., UI=unit interval, a unit of the
eye diagram) and a height of 0.3VDDQ ~
0.7VDDQ (VDDQ = the supply voltage
to the output buffers of a memory chip).
The length of the simulated bus in this
paper study is around 4mm.
FO-MCM uses an organic interposer.
The key components in FO-MCM
include the RDL and through-silicon
via (TSV)-less vertical interconnects.
The organic interposer, including a
good eye diagram and low insertion
loss performance of multiple RDLs with
a coplanar GSGSG isolation scheme,
was demonstrated. RDL lines with a
minimum linewidth/spacing of 2/2μm
exhibit excellent robustness, ensuring
the long functional lives of high- Figure 5: SI/PI ratio comparison between chip-first and chip-last structures.
performance computing products. requirements of HBM2/HBM3. Relative
Two possible stack-up configurations routing, however, requires a larger area.
were considered (Figure 4). The Signal traces must use up to 3 layers. At Comparison of chip-first and chip-last
topology (A) (S type) is a common form the same time, by maintaining the signal structures
of wiring of the HBM interface. The dislocation of the upper and lower layers, Fan-out packaging can be classified
signal trace width is 2µm and the gap the signal could have good reference into two types: chip first and chip last.
between the adjacent traces is 2µm. ground layers. Compared with the S-type In the chip-first process, the chips are
Therefore, to satisfy the requirement trace design, it is much more difficult. first embedded in a permanent material
for 1,700 interconnections one needs structure, followed by the RDL forming
a 4-layer RDL, i.e., three of the layers
are for signals and ground and one of
the layers is for power. For the topology
(B) (GSG type), the maximum winding
density of one layer is only 750pcs. The
full stack-up will require five layers: two
layers for signals, two layers for ground,
and one layer for power.
The eye diagrams of the topology (S
Type) are shown in Figure 4. It can be
seen that 1,700 signal lines of the HBM
are distributed in 6mm of space. The Elevate Ni 5950
S-type signal line is routed on layers Boric Acid Free Nickel
1 and 3, and the middle layer is the
reference ground layer. When the trace Exceptionally stable,
width for the 2µm/spacing case is 2µm, versatile, sulfamate plating
in the HBM2/HBM3 analysis, it can be
seen that the crosstalk between signals
is large, and the isolation needs to be • Boric acid free
further optimized. When the trace width • All liquid components
for the 2µm/spacing case is 4µm, it can • Very stable electrolyte
meet the eye diagram requirements of • Superior coplanarity
HBM2/HBM3. When using the FO- • Low-stress semi-bright deposit
MCM str ucture to implement the • Optimum deposit up to 10 ASD
packaging process, it is recommended • Versatile - can be used in all types of
that a 5-layer structure, 2-layer signal applications requiring nickel
line/2-layer reference ground/1-layer
power supply design be used. Compared
with the S-type trace, the GSG-type
trace can improve the signal quality,
so the linewidth of 2µm and the line
spacing of 2µm can meet the electrical
2/23/2022 3:16:50 PM
Chip Scale Review - Elevate Ni 5959v2.indd 1 2/23/2022 3:16:50 PM
Chip Scale Review - Elevate Ni 5959v2.indd 1
Chip Scale Review March • April • 2023 [] 37