Page 38 - Chip Scale Review_March April_2023-digital
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Figure 3: The FO-MCM solution.
        redistribution layer (FORDL) became   massive bandwidth and high power   interconnection length comes from
        an essential routing technology between   efficiency. The HBM standard has   the growing HBM package sizes. The
        the die-to-die interconnection area.   eight channels. Each channel is 128   package widths of HBM2 and HBM2E
        Additionally, because of high demand   interconnect pins, with a per pin data   are 7.8mm and 10mm, respectively.
        for processors to process and analyze big   rate of 2Gbps. Higher data rates per pin   Meanwhile, the package width of HBM3
        data at high speed and in large volume,   (3.2Gbps) are supported in the recent   has been increased to 11mm and the
        the size of RDLs has evolved to finer   updates to the HBM2E standard, hence,   interconnection length between the
        lines/spaces. This evolution allows one   the eight channels could provide an   HBM and SoC PHY (physical layer) is
        to route more metal traces and layers to   aggregate bandwidth up to 409.6GBps.   ~6mm (Figure 4). In order to understand
        satisfy the design requirement.    In the future, the speed of HBM3 will be   which is the most suitable topology for
          The HBM interface is used to connect   increased to more than 6.4Gbps.  routing HBM interfaces, a transient
        CPU/GPU/application-specific integrated   In this paper, the electrical design   time domain simulation and the eye
        circuits (ASICs) to large dynamic   challenges using the polymer-based   diagrams obtained from this simulation
        random access memories (DRAMs),    fan-out wafer-level package (FOWLP)   were used to qualify the physical
        especially for leading-edge high-  RDL (see  Figure 3) to implement   structure. To qualify the suitability of
        performance computing, graphics, and   these interfaces are discussed and   the different configurations and the
        networking applications that demand   presented. I ncreasi ng SoC-H BM   HBM specifications that were used, it

        Figure 4: The current status of FO-MCM packaging development.

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