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stage of bonding (Figure 3a) includes
the ultra-smooth oxide surfaces that bond
spontaneously on contact, forming a
protective seal around the metal pads at
ambient. The metal pads are purposely
recessed from the oxide surface to avoid
interference with the oxide bonding. The
bonded structures then go through a heated
batch anneal. During the anneal, the metal
pads expand to close the narrow gap between
the top and bottom pads and metal diffuses
across the interface to form permanent all-
Cu bonding (Figure 3b). High assembly
yield requires a surface topography of
smooth oxide for the spontaneous dielectric-
to-dielectric bonding and a uniform bond
pad recess across the entire wafer. A pristine
surface during bonding is critical to ensure a
void-free bond interface. Finally, in order for
Figure 2: Total height variation tolerance is shown as a function of interconnect pitch for solder-capped Cu interconnect. the technology to be adopted in high-volume
The total height variation (THV) Cu interconnect with silicon oxide. The manufacturing, the assembly process must
tolerance is defined as the height that BEOL infrastructure in wafer foundries is have a high throughput and be compatible
may be accommodated by the soldering leveraged for the Cu damascene process to with the supply chain in the packaging
process [3]. As shown in Figure 2, the fabricate the bonding layers. industry today. We have addressed these
THV tolerance is a function of the solder The new technology has numerous challenges with our engineering development
interconnect pitch. As the pitch shrinks advantages. It is an all-Cu interconnect with team and share some of the highlights below.
to around 60μm, the solder-capped high current carrying capability. The all- Surface topography control with
microbump is required to reduce a short inorganic material stack behaves like a single chemical mechanical polishing (CMP).
circuit failure due to solder bridging. Si die for heat dissipation and for thermal- Standard BEOL CMP requirements do not
However, adding a Cu post to the joint mechanical reliability. While thermal match those required for hybrid bonding
substantially reduces the solder volume compression bonded stacks with underfill and are known to have a dependence of
and the THV tolerance. At 20µm pitch, the suffer from a significant temperature the Cu recess upon the feature size. For
THV tolerance is only 1µm. Because the gradient between die 1 and die 4, a hybrid- hybrid bonding, the CMP process should
electroplated solder-capped microbump bonded 4-die and 8-die stack has a minimal repeatedly provide topographic control
alone has a height variation exceeding temperature gradient [2]. Additionally, the across the entire wafer within the nm-
1µm, such a process is unlikely to lead small size interconnect creates a greatly scale range. Sufficient surface topography
to high assembly yield. The fact that the reduced parasitic resistance, capacitance, control was demonstrated with our CMP
solder interconnect pitch has been stalled and inductance, which is ideal for high- processes for ultra-fine pitch (1.6µm) in
around 40µm for several years appears to frequency applications [2]. Additionally, the wafer scale back in 2009 [5]. However,
support Arkalgud’s, et al., analysis [3]. the DBI hybrid bond forms a hermetic seal for the 40µm pitch application space it was
The packaging industry has been around the Cu interconnects, making it ideal critical to develop a robust CMP process
actively exploring alternative all-solid for a harsh environment, such as automotive for a bond pad size as large as 15µm, given
interconnect technologies in the past or corrosive environment. the pick and place equipment resolution in
decade. Among the options explored, DBI As illustrated in Figure 3, the DBI HVM at +/-7µm 3σ in 2017. We developed
Ultra, a low-temperature D2W and D2D bonding is a two-step process. The first a robust CMP process to achieve Cu recess
hybrid bonding interconnect technology, uniformity across both 200 and 300mm
has emerged as a winner and is the most wafers with only a few nanometers of
promising for high-volume adoption. variation. These CMP processes have been
successfully transferred to our partner
Technology details and licensee facilities with similar results.
DBI Ultra is an extension of the mature While the dicing process generates a large
W2W DBI bonding technology to D2W number of particles; the die surface must
and D2D bonding applications. The DBI remain free of particles to promote good
technology was invented by Ziptronix (now bonding. Our thin die handling process was
Xperi Corp.) [4-6]. It is a low-temperature qualified with both saw dicing and laser
hybrid bonding technology with all-solid stealth dicing in our test vehicle.
metal interconnects that are hermetically Cleanroom environment. A clean
sealed by the surrounding dielectric environment for wafer and die processing
material. The most commonly used material Figure 3: Schematic drawing showing the DBI a) is required to maintain clean surfaces
combination for this hybrid bonding is spontaneous dielectric-dielectric bond; and b) the Cu-Cu during material preparation and bonding.
bond at elevated temperatures.
30 Chip Scale Review March • April • 2020 []