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grinding wheel type A would be the best
                                                                              choice. Finally, the double-sided SiP
                                                                              structure passed reliability requirements
                                                                              including pre-condition MSL 3, TCT (1,000
                                                                              cycles), u-HAST (96 hours) and HTSL
                                                                              (1,000 hours). The double-sided SiP can
                                                                              provide an innovative solution to address
                                                                              the small form factor, cost reduction,
                                                                              electrical performance, and time-to-market
                                                                              requirements for 5G and wearable products
                                                                              in the near future.
        Table 3: Summary of reliability tests conducted.
        grinding wheel types (A, B, C and D). The   150ºC for 1,000 hours. The open/short (O/  1.  J-Y. Lai, T-Y. Chen, M-H. Wang,
        roughness level was such that  A > B > C   S) test and scanning acoustic tomography   M-K. Shih, D. Tarng, C-P. Hung,
        >D (i.e, wheel A is rougher than the others).   (SAT) inspection were done, and all   “Characterization of dual side molding
        We used the 3-point test to check the   reliability test results had passed as shown   SiP module,” Proc. 67th Electronic
        package (PKG) die strength. The greater   in Table 3.                     Comp. and Tech. Conf. (ECTC), 2017,
        PKG strength was achieved using a fine                                    pp. 1039-1044.
        grit size with wheel D because of the higher   Summary                  2.  M. Tsai, R. Chiu, D. Huang, F. Kao,
        die strength that can be accomplished with   Compared to a single-sided SiP structure,   E. He, J. Y. Chen, et al., “Innovative
        the smooth silicon die surface and mold   a double-sided SiP structure can provide   packaging solutions of 3D double side
        surface. The test results of the roughness   good thermal performance by using a   molding with system in package for
        and 3-point bending using the different   thermal pad design and TIM (i.e., Ag epoxy   IoT and 5G application,” Proc. 69th
        grinding wheel types are shown in Figures   with 25W/mK with 0.99x θJA ratio with   ECTC, 2019, pp. 700-706.
        6a and 6b.                         24% thermal enhancement, and 0.75y θJB   3.  M. Tsai, R. Chiu, Ming-fan Tsai,
                                           with a 38% thermal enhancement). The   E. He, E. Yang, T. Chang, et al.,
        Reliability results                normal EMC with TIM achieved a better   “Heterogeneous integration of double
          The grinding wheel selection can   warpage result because of the low CTE   side SiP for IoT and 5G application,”
        enhance the package strength and reduce   mismatch during the molding process done   Proc. 71st ECTC, 2021, pp. 1038-1043.
        the risk of die and package cracking caused   on the structure.         4.  T-W. Liao, W-H. Lai, H-C. Shih,
        by structural warpage. The finer grinding   The double-sided SiP package provides   D-L. Chen, D. Tarng, CP Hung,
        wheel type (wheel type D) resulted in a   the small form factor and good electrical   “Mechanical reliability analysis of
        greater package die strength due to the   performance required for 5G and wearable   dual side molding SiP module,” Proc.
        smooth silicon die and mold surface—  electronics applications. For the advanced   2021 Inter. Conf. on Electronics
        but in contrast, it increased process time.   double-sided SiP structure, we studied   Packaging (ICEP), 2021, pp. 93-94.
        The double-sided cross-section image of   the effects of different die thicknesses and   5.  B-H. Ma, D. Ho, Y-P. Wang, F. Yen,
        a SiP structure is shown in Figure 7. The   grinding wheel roughness values on the   S. Guo, R. Chiu, “Highly integrated
        SMT result shows a double-sided SiP with   package strength. Also, a 3-point bending   assembly processes solutions for
        top side molding, bottom molding, and the   test methodology was selected to evaluate   double-sided-SiP package,” Proc.
        main die.                          the suitability of the double-sided SiP   IEEE 8th Elec. System-Integration
          In this study, the following JEDEC   structure for use in the end product at the   Tech. Conf. (ESTC), 2020.
        reliability test conditions were used: pre-  board-level manufacturing process. The   6.  M. Tsai, K. Chang, R. Hsieh, W. Li, K.
        condition with MSL3, temperature cycling   finer grinding wheel type (wheel type D)   Chang, R. Chiu, et al., “Double side
        test (TCT) at -55–125ºC for 1,000 cycles,   provided a better package die strength   SiP of structure strength analysis for
        un-biased highly accelerated stress testing   due to the smooth silicon die and mold   5G and wearable application,” Proc.
        (u-HAST) at 130ºC for 96 hours, and high-  surface, but it resulted in a lower grinding   72nd ECTC, 2022, pp. 18-23.
        temperature storage life (HTSL) testing at   throughput. To achieve a higher throughput,

                         David Wang is a Department Manager, Corporate R&D at Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd.,
                       Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. He has over 25 years of industry experience especially focusing on fan-out packaging
                       technology development and advanced assembly analysis. He has published over 10 conference papers and
                       patents. Email:

                         Mike Tsai is a Technical Deputy Manager, Advanced SiP Product Integration at Siliconware Precision
                       Industries Co., Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. He received his MS degree from National Chung Hsing U.
          (NCHU). He has over 10 years of job experience and published 11 papers in the semiconductor industry, with a special focus on
          FC, PoP and SiP of advanced assembly technology.

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