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AMD elevated fan-out bridge AMD 3DVCache™ the flexibility to have the CPU die with a
architecture As computer architects know well, large smaller cache as a standalone product to
To illustrate the result of one of these on-die L3 caches can provide instructions address different markets.
optimization challenges, let us focus on per clock (IPC) uplifts for CPU performance, As valuable as these benefits are,
the implementation of a new package which is especially important in today’s world extending chiplet integration to 3D can break
architecture called elevated fan-out bridge of ever-increasing appetites for compute and even more barriers. By placing the dies on
(Figure 5) that we recently announced for for large data sets. Not surprisingly, as we top of each other, you can have the added
the MI200 GPU compute product. As noted survey products across the industry over capacity without the added lateral distance,
earlier, these products require terabytes of the past decades, there has been a steady so you can keep the latency low, and the
memory bandwidth and therefore need denser increase in on-die cache sizes. So that dynamic power low by freeing up valuable
connections than organic packages provide. begs the question, can this trend continue space inside the package. You can also fit
One industry approach is shown on the left indefinitely? In fact, why is it that the on-die more cores and more transistors within a
in Figure 5 that embeds the silicon bridge cache integration is starting to slow? given package size. All these incentives led
die, containing the interconnect wires, into The answers to these questions lie in the to the creation of the AMD 3D V-Cache™—
a cavity carved out of the organic package. barriers to large on-die caches. As noted the industry’s first high-performance
This has better electrical behavior than legacy earlier, Moore’s Law slowdown impacts processor product with 3D integration based
2.5D silicon interposer approaches because it different silicon functions differently. Analog on hybrid bond technology.
does not require through-silicon vias (TSVs) circuits have not scaled much into the The AMD V-Cache™ consists of three
though does come with challenges associated advanced nodes, and SRAMs, upon which main components. The first one is the
with the substrate embedding approach. on-die caches are largely based, are also not “Zen 3” CPU core complex die (CCD). It is
We decided to develop a cleaner approach scaling as well as logic. manufactured using TSMC 7nm FinFET
that elevates that silicon bridge to live in the Increasing the on-die cache capacity, technology. Each CCD contains eight cores
shadow of copper pillar bumps. We can thin which also increases the die size and lowers in a core complex (CCX) and the eight cores
these silicon bridges down so that there is no the yield, is becoming increasingly cost share a 32MB L3 cache. It was able to
significant height impact to the compute die. prohibitive and also becomes a challenge achieve a 19% average IPC uplift over the
We now avoid having to carve out a cavity for product flexibility. The performance previous “Zen 2” design, and it has a die size
in the substrate and can also lithographically afforded by large caches is important for of 81mm (Figure 6). What is important to
define this module as a unit without dealing some markets, though it can be overkill for point out here is that the AMD 3D V-Cache™
with micro bumps on the substrate. Getting other market segments to bear the added support, both architecturally and physically,
better placement accuracy with this method cost. Finally, larger area also means longer was planned for and integrated into the CCD,
provides an example of the evolution of data path distances, which increases cache from the beginning of “Zen 3” design.
package technologies and the innovation going access latency power and can offset the The second component of the AMD 3D
on in this space. Chiplet designs can get quite performance gains. V-Cache™ is the extended L3 Die (L3D).
complex with eight high-bandwidth memory Up to this point, chiplet integration had Like the CCD, it was also built using TSMC
(HBM) stacks, two compute die chiplets, and mostly meant 2.5D integration. For example, 7nm FinFET technology. It has a die size of
the elevated fan-out bridges (EFBs) to connect in a hypothetical CPU with a large cache, 41mm , which is roughly half of the CCD
them. By choosing a technology that is robust one can separate part of the cache into a die size. The sizing was intentional to allow
and manufacturable, we have been able to separate die, or chiplet, and place them side the L3D to fit over the CCD’s L2 and L3
deploy the tens of thousands of these required by side. The smaller die sizes can improve cache area. The relatively low power density
for the Frontier supercomputer. yield, and therefore the cost, and it provides of the caches allowed the thermal impact
Figure 5: 2.5D “bridge” architecture landscape.
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