Page 14 - Chip Scale Review_March April_2022-digital
P. 14
Operating in the eye of the COVID-19 storm
By Asif R. Chowdhury [UTAC Group]
I n these past 18 months or so, the The use of safety officers has provided the pandemic. But because of our stringent
mitigation plan, we have been able to
semiconductor sector has been
the necessary structure for continued safe
put to the test by unprecedented
taking care of the workplace, the
possible, we have been actively working
supply constraints and logistical operation across the entire business— recover in a short period of time. Where
disruption. This has been across the employees located there, and tending to with local governments and the private
supply chain spectrum — from material the needs of those who become unwell. sector to provide free COVID vaccinations
shortages, to material cost increases, to To enhance safety, new technology to our employees This has meant that
significant increases in new equipment and processes have been installed at all business continuity has been upheld, and
cycle time — all resulting in historic UTAC facilities. These include thermal we are now reaping the rewards.
component shortages. Some industries, temperature scanning terminals (TTSTs), Although it may be too early to see
such as automotive, have suffered, along with a regular antigen rapid test the full impact of the COVID-19 crisis
and continue to suffer, the worst. The (ART) program. Safe
COVID-19 pandemic has meant that distancing measures are
long-established methods of working implemented throughout
are no longer applicable and need to be each site, with check-in
adapted accordingly. We are constantly and check-out systems
looking at innovative ways to navigate installed at all access
through this crisis so that we can service points.
all our customers’ demands. Some measures have
Further complicating the challenges included, where possible,
noted above are the higher demands for letting a sizable portion
semiconductor products that came about of employees conduct
because of the pandemic, thereby placing their work from home.
the semiconductor manufacturing We have supplied them
industry under extreme pressure. To with the necessary IT
meet this demand, we have been running support to enable this to
at full capacity and managed to achieve be done, so that there has
an impressive 70% growth during been no unwanted impact
2021. In addition, for the first time in on the smooth running
its history, the company reached the of the business. In most
milestone of US$1Bn in revenue in the cases, meetings have been
third quarter of 2021. carried out via online
The pandemic has also reinforced conference platforms.
the importance of the well-being of W e h a v e a l s o
our employees to the success of our implemented a complete
company. At UTAC, we are taking this range of measures that
responsibility very seriously by making rigorously follow official
certain that our staff are safe and healthy. COVID-19 guidelines.
We continue to invest in employees By doing so, we have
by creating a safe environment that is been able to maintain
conducive to business. continued operations at
By observing strict guidelines about our sites across Asia—
how members of our staff interact with in Singapore, Malaysia,
one another, we have been able to work in Indonesia, Thailand, and
a safe environment. The implementation China. Despite all the
of a system of safe management measures precautions, some of our
through the assignment of safety officers facilities, unfortunately,
has proved itself to be highly effective. had to face dealing with
Figure 1: UTAC smart factory summary.
12 Chip Scale Review March • April • 2022 []