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System-in-package (SiP)
O n e o f t h e l a t e s t p a c k a g i ng
development areas is the system-in-
package (SiP). SiP is a combination of
multiple active electronic components
of different functionality, assembled
in a single unit that provides multiple
functions associated with a system or
sub-system (JEDEC). A SiP generally
contains processor chip, memory chips,
assorted logic chips, and can contain Figure 8: Cross-section of a SiP with a silicon interposer. A HBM stack with TSVs, an IPEC, a processor chip
and an IF chip are solder bump attached to the Si interposer that has TSVs to an organic substrate containing an
discrete or integrated passive devices embedded IPD.
(IPDs), microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS), optical components and
other packaged or unpackaged devices.
The core of a SiP is an interposer or
high-density substrate on which the
components are mounted with multiple
routing layers interconnecting between
devices and vias to the bottom side I/O
connections. High-end SiPs with fine-
pitch components use a Si interposer
for several reasons: 1) its coefficient
of thermal expansion (CTE) match to
Si chips; 2) its fine-line interconnect Figure 9: Cross section of a SiP with an organic interposer. A HBM stack and memory controller with TSVs,
capability; 3) its ability to incorporate an IPEC, a processor chip and an IF chip are solder bump attached on the organic interposer. A high-density
active elements; 4) its high thermal interconnect Si bridge chip is embedded in the interposer, connecting the processor to the HBM 3D stack.
conductivity; 5) its ability to utilize processor chip and a memory chip at gate features, and 2) that the next
ultra-high-density micro-bumps for very high density and with very low few generations of high-end devices
chip-to-interposer connections; 6) and parasitics. The rest of the SiP chip- will not be monolithic dies, but rather
for the high vertical I/O density that to-chip and chip-to-PCB connections integrated assemblies of heterogeneous
can be achieved with TSVs. Figure are done using the fine-line organic chips from multiple suppliers on a high-
8 depicts a SiP with a Si interposer interposer. Intel has demonstrated this performance interposer. Heterogeneous
mounted on an organic substrate with concept with its embedded multi-die integration refers to the integration of
an IPD embedded in the substrate. An interconnect bridge (EMIB) [5]. Figure separately manufactured components
integrated power electronic component 9 depicts a cross-sectional view of a from multiple sources into a higher-
(IPEC), a three-chip HBM stack, SiP with an organic interposer and a level assembly. Under this concept,
a processor chip, and an interface high-interconnect density bridge chip, microprocessors will be de-integrated
(I/F) chip are attached on top of the Si as well as the IPEC, the HBM stack, the from one complex chip, with 50 or more
interposer with micro-solder bumps and processor chip, and the interface chip. cores, each with separately controlled
connected to the substrate with TSVs in power rails, into 6 to 10 chiplets, each
the Si interposer and solder bumps to Heterogeneous integrated SiPs with multiple cores all mounted on a
the substrate. A new push is underway to expand silicon interposer.
Depending on the density of I/Os the capabilities of SiPs by implementing
on the chips, efforts are underway to heterogeneous integration within Packaging technologies vs.
utilize a fine-line organic substrate as the SiP. An IEEE-led task force is packaging performance
the interposer in the SiP, eliminating underway to develop a Heterogeneous Table 1 compares how the various
the costly large-area silicon structure. Integration Roadmap, describing the packaging technologies, detailed
The organic substrate would potentially applications, the technology and the above, address the main packaging
be a lower cost solution than the Si research needed to provide “More and interconnect requirements of
inter poser, but it cannot directly Than Moore” capability over the next semiconductor devices. Packaging
support high-density micro-bump 15 years with a vision out to 25 years technologies such as 3D chip stacks
contacts because of its high CTE [6]. It is a growing belief that the five- a n d S i P s r e q u i r e a n e n c l o s u r e
and photo-patterning limitations. decade long semiconductor feature structure to provide normal device
One solution is to incor porate Si size shrink characterized by Moore’s protection. Although Table 1 lists the
bridge chips to form high-bandwidth Law that has driven the gate count 3D chip stack and the SiP as having
communication between the HBM chips increase per high-end chip for each low mechanical and environmental
or stacks and the processor. The bridge new semiconductor node is slowing protection, they would generally be
chip is an inactive Si chiplet with fine- down for two main reasons: 1) because mounted into a package that would
line capability that directly connects a of the physical limits of minimum provide the required protection.
Chip Scale Review November • December • 2021 [] 15