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UBM and solder ball fatigue. This slightly   shift caused by fatigue will eventually be   thickness of the Cu RDL redistribution
        different electrical length will cause a   less than the specified limit.  layer (Figure 9).
        small difference in phase Ф(S21) of the                                 One  might  ask,  “How  do  thermal
        insertion loss, which is undesirable in radar   Thermal performance   measu rements f it to the ther mal
        applications. It is therefore important to   Typical power consumptions for   simulations, and how does the thermal
        demonstrate that none of the fatigue modes   automotive monolithic microwave   behavior change over the lifetime of the
        and their combinations lead to a phase shift   integrated  circuits  (MMICs)  are  in   package?” Temperature-driven fatigue
        exceeding the specified limit.     the range of 1-3W. To remove the heat   modes as described above, are leading to a
          In Figure 8, the effects of each single   associated with this power consumption,   loss in contact area, and as a consequence,
        fatigue mode (RDL, UBM, and solder ball   the thermal resistance of the MMICs must   to an increase of temperature and thermal
        fatigue) and two combinations of them are   be sufficiently low in order not to exceed   resistance (R TH ). An assessment of that
        summarized. The phase shift ΔФ(S21) is   typical thermal boundary conditions (e.g.,   fatigue behavior on thermal performance
        evaluated against the reference of an RF   85°C for the sensor ambient temperature,   is done by simulation. Thermal simulation
        transition without fatigue. For fatigue levels   and 125°C for the Si chip bulk temperature).   and optimization are done via steady state
        up to 90%, the phase shift stays within   Therefore, the heat must be conducted via   thermal simulations with the ANSYS V19.1
        specification (the white area in Figure 8)   the solder balls to the metal layers on the   software tool.
        considering RDL, UBM, and solder ball   PCB, which are connected thermally to the   The thermal performance, or response,
        fatigue separately. Also, the combination of   sensor housing.        for different use cases is plotted in Figure
        up to 90% of RDL plus UBM fatigue results   To improve heat dissipation, thermal   10. The corresponding use cases with
        indicate acceptable phase shift. Only for an   balls have been implemented in the MMIC   different degradation or fatigue levels
        unlikely mix of all three fatigue modes with   design. These thermal balls are located in   of the balls are shown in Figure 11.
        90% RDL, UBM, and solder ball fatigue,   areas of the Si chip that are not critical for   Assuming 50% degradation on average
                                                        the RF functionality. To   for all thermal balls, an increase in R TH  of
                                                        achieve a low thermal   up to about 30% is seen. However, not all
                                                        resistance from the balls   thermal balls are located at critical TCoB
                                                        to the Si chip, metal – as   positions like the die edge. Therefore, R TH
                                                        much as possible – is used   change will be typically less than 30%.
                                                        in the semiconductor back
                                                        end of line (BEOL) stack   Summary
                                                        in the area of the thermal   Typical fatigue modes after TCoB are
                                                        balls. Thermal simulation   solder ball fatigue, UBM fatigue, and RDL
                                                        shows that the thermal   fatigue. Both standard and new analysis
                                                        balls on the silicon chip   methods reveal that all fatigue modes
                                                        area are very effective and   are oriented radially from the edge of the
                                                        conduct almost 70% of   package to the center. Typical measures
                                                        the generated heat. Balls   to improve the TCoB robustness for the
                                                        located on the fan-out area   eWLB technology were listed and rated.
                                                        of the package are not   The UBM, RDL and solder fatigue modes
                                                        very effective in lateral   were analyzed using thermomechanical
                                                        heat transfer on account   finite element simulation. The results show
        Figure 8: A plot of phase shift vs. fatigue for single fatigue modes (RDL,   of the long distance from   that the driving forces of both UBM fatigue
        UBM and solder ball fatigue), for RDL + UBM-fatigue, and for RDL + UBM +   the silicon chip to the   and RDL fatigue reduce with increasing
        solder-ball-fatigue.                            solder balls and the limited   level of fatigue and do not cause an end-of-
        the phase shift may exceed the specification
        limit (the gray area in Figure 8). The case
        of more than 90% fatigue (e.g., 100%)
        does not need to be considered  because
        100% will cause an electrical DC open.
        Reliability testing for an electrical DC open
        is done by standard TCoB testing, which
        needs to fulfill the customer-specific TCoB
        requirement anyway.
          In summary, possible phase shifts of the
        specified limit have to be applied to the
        tolerances by setting up the system. The RF
        ports, however, are not located at critical
        TCoB positions such as package or die
        corners, and therefore, have significantly
        less than 90% fatigue. This is why the phase
                                           Figure 9: Contribution of each solder ball to the overall heat dissipation for a typical eWLB radar package.

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