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have tighter fringes by the same ratio. Once satisfy these constraints simultaneously by have seen the support chip itself fracture
the roll has been set, the entire fiber array can using a single underlying support structure before the bond between the fiber array and
be lowered and the translational degrees of for both the PIC and the fiber array as shown the support chip fails. Moreover, having the
freedom (x, y, z) can be optimized without in Figure 3. This new method is made epoxy applied far from the optical interface
needing to further adjust the roll. possible because the height of the PIC and and the PIC also prevents any epoxy from
As mentioned above, a challenge with the height of the fiber cores within the fiber entering the optical interface or from
standard silicon-photonic packaging methods array can be precisely matched to within contaminating the surface of the chip.
is that conventional epoxies like NEA123 a few microns, thereby leaving space for a Further packaging of the bonded chip-
(Norland Electronic Adhesive 123) yellow thin adhesive bond line. The support chip and-fiber-array module involves fixtures
when exposed to blue light at moderate can be made of the same substrate material as shown in Figure 4a. After insertion and
intensities, quickly degrading optical as the PIC to reduce or eliminate differential wire bonding into a ceramic pin-grid array
coupling. To avoid this, the epoxy should be thermal expansion/contraction. Additionally, to make electrical connections to the ion-
viscous and must not be applied directly in the fiber array itself can also be made of trap electrodes, the module is placed in a
the optical interface—capillary forces lead to silicon (instead of glass/quartz) to further frame made from UHV-compatible plastic
wicking of uncured adhesives into the joint match thermal contraction between the (PEEK) in order to manage and guide the
if applied near the periphery, making this photonics chip and fiber array. fibers entering the fiber-array block. Space
an untenable approach when working in the First, the PIC is epoxied to the top of is typically at a premium inside cryogenic
visible spectrum. the support chip and then the fiber array is systems, as well as inside small room-
A further challenge in QIP applications aligned to the PIC as described above. This temperature UHV systems, so the fibers
is the requirement to couple light into PICs alignment is made significantly easier by must be routed out of the plane of the PIC
in UHV environments, in many cases the fact that the roll and pitch degrees of chip. Furthermore, this routing requires
at cryogenic temperatures. While most freedom are constrained by the underlying strain relief to reduce stress on the fiber
photonic technologies operate at room support chip and the nearly matched heights array and module. This strain-relief frame
temperature, integrating photonics with of the PIC and fiber array. Once the fiber allows for more straightforward handling
various other quantum technologies, such array is placed down on the support chip it of the packaged module and fiber ends, and
as trapped ions and superconducting qubits is naturally “level” with respect to the PIC therefore, also simplifies connecting fibers
(e.g., for remote entanglement generation or because both are supported on the same to the connectorized inputs of the fiber array
for high-bandwidth classical control) will surface (see Figure 4). within the vacuum system.
require photonic interconnects that survive To affix the fiber array, cryogenic- or
multiple thermal cycles to 4K and below UHV-compatible epoxy is applied beneath Performance
while maintaining optical coupling. Even the fiber array. This is a much larger surface Ion trap PIC chips prepared in the
room temperature atomic systems must be area joint than just the optical interface of manner described above have been operated
baked to several hundred degrees Celsius for the PIC and fiber array and, therefore, can in UHV chambers, both at cryogenic
many days before use, leading to a similar, form a much stronger joint. In our tests we temperatures for extended periods, and with
but opposite, thermal robustness requirement.
Conventional epoxies (e.g., NEA123)
fracture during cool down to cryogenic
temperatures because of stress. Commercially
available epoxies designed for operation at
cryogenic temperatures are generally not
transparent over the entire visible range, and
therefore, cannot be placed in the joint itself.
These cryogenic epoxies (e.g., Masterbond’s
EP21TCHT-1) also require long cures
(18hrs at room temperature), and therefore,
alignment must be maintained for this time
period while curing. One approach is to
initially tack the alignment of the photonics
with the fiber array using a small amount of
UV-curable epoxy and then reinforcing the
joints with cryogenic-compatible epoxies.
However, the underlying tack epoxy can fail
during cool down if not completely reinforced
by the cryogenic epoxy.
Support via common substrate
Together, the constraints discussed above Figure 3: Fiber array packaging via a common substrate. The top drawing shows a cross-section of a stack
present a very challenging problem for that allows for a common substrate to be mounted in a standard pin-grid-array package suitable for cryogenic
cryogenic/UHV photonic packaging for and UHV environments using standard-thickness Si-wafer spacers. The bottom drawing shows a plan view of
visible light. We have devised a method to the same structure when used with a square PIC chip (approximately 1cm on a side) and an offset fiber array on
the support chip, which is serving as the common substrate (pin-grid-array not shown).
36 Chip Scale Review May • June • 2021 []