Page 22 - Chip Scale Review_May June_2021-digital
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chiplet pairing does not have a clear one-  how does one adequately characterize   assembly. But much more innovation is
        size-fits-all answer and depends on the   a chiplet when not all the metal layers   needed in the DFT space to ease testing
        desired outcome, which can change based   have been completed and the power   and enable resilient, self-healing designs.
        on the product being assembled as well as   delivery network is not identical to the   An immediate area of focus should
        customer demand fluctuations throughout   final metal stack? And second, how does   be better I/O DFT that provides better
        the life of the product.  Combining the   one guarantee KGD in an open loop flow   coverage at wafer test and reduces the
        die in a purely random fashion would   where there is additional processing after   stack test, shown in Figure 4, to a simple
        create a higher concern for meeting the   wafer test, but prior to assembly?  assembly health monitor test (AHMT).
        minimum frequency of operation while   The brute force approach of adding   The test industry will also need to
        helping control the total power of a unit.   more complexity to test hardware and   deliver innovations in support of driving
        On the other hand, combining chiplets   test content is destined to bend the cost   down cost.  Probe card suppliers will
        with the same characteristics will result   curve in the wrong direction and lead   need to invest in new manufacturing
        in the best result for minimum frequency   to test becoming a limiter to Moore’s   techniques, such as fab-like build-
        of operation, but would result in higher   Law.  Instead,  to  overcome  some  of   up processes, to expand their capacity
        overall power for a unit. Having a well   these challenges, test will need to rely   while driving down cost. Automated
        characterized chiplet enables intelligent   more on artificial intelligence (AI) and   test equipment (ATE) suppliers will
        pairing to achieve the desired outcome.  take advantage of big data analytics to   need to deliver low- cost, mega-
          Characterizing chiplets at wafer level,   drive faster yield learning, optimize test   parallel, asynchronous test solutions to
        however, is not trivial and requires better   content on a per unit basis, and better   compensate for the added sockets in the
        and more standardized test hardware,   predict the characteristics of a device   flow. Assembly equipment suppliers need
        along with more test content, which   based on the wealth of fab and test data   to consider integrating fast and low-cost
        result in higher test cost. For example,   available. This will require companies   AHMT capability within their tools for
        subtle differences in the power delivery   to  invest  in  AI  infrastructure  and   faster process feedback.
        network of a probe card from two   test engineers will need to be trained
        different suppliers can have a significant   on developing better AI algorithms.   Summary
        impact on the measured frequency of a   Companies will also need to invest in   It is often said that these are exciting
        device. In a world where chiplets come   hardware and automation infrastructure   times to be a packaging engineer as
        from different nodes and different   to deal with the complexity associated   advanced packaging is the next frontier
        foundries, that are tested on different   with intelligent pairing of die. For   along the continuum of Moore’s Law. It
        test platforms, using different probe card   example, assembly tools will need to   is equally exciting to be a test engineer
        technologies from different suppliers,   support complex asynchronous pick-and-  as future challenges provide boundless
        it will become increasingly difficult   place algorithms and management of   opportunities to innovate.  There is,
        and expensive to properly characterize   multiple sub-populations to achieve the   however, little margin for error. Test cost
        chiplets for pairing decisions.    desired results.                   per transistor used to be several orders
                                             There is also a need for stronger   of magnitude smaller than transistor
        The future of test                 collaboration between design, packaging,   manufacturing cost. Today, that gap has
          A looming problem on the horizon is   and test to ensure solutions are optimized   narrowed and if test engineers and the test
        the insatiable appetite for interconnect   for cost. Such collaborations took place   industry are not able to keep pace with
        density by the design community,   two decades ago where addition of self-  transistor manufacturing costs, then test
        which is driving the pitch roadmap into   test modes enabled the transition to lower   will become a limiter to Moore’s Law.
        regimes where traditional solder bump   cost structural test platforms. Today,   Our goal here was to bring awareness
        interconnects are no longer feasible.   design teams have recognized that it will   to these challenges just as the ITRS
        This will force the industry into using   be easy to make chiplets that work in   roadmap did more than twenty years ago.
        hybrid bonding to connect chiplets   isolation but are not economically viable   We invite test technologists across the
        together, which will severely challenge   because of complex manufacturing   industry to propose bold and innovative
        test. Putting aside the technical and   flows and the inability to fully test   solutions to take on these challenges.
        economic viability of building probe   the chiplets until they are integrated.
        cards at <10μm pitch, the fundamental   Efforts are underway to address some   References
        problem is how to test these wafers prior   of these challenges through interface   1.  G. E. Moore, “Cramming more
        to chiplet integration. Hybrid bonding   standardization that would enable better   components onto i nteg rated
        requires pristine bond pads that are   access points for test pre- and post-  circuits,” Electronics, 1965, Vol. 38.
        sensitive to defects as small as 10nm.   assembly. In addition, standards are   2.  International Technology Roadmap
        Probing these pads will create divots and   needed for a minimum feature set on   for Semiconductors: Test and Test
        pile-up that are considered killer defects.   chiplets to ensure basic connectivity,   Equipment, p.11, 2001 Edition.
        Some have proposed testing the wafers   power delivery, and functionality at   3.  B. Holt, “Moore’s Law, 40 years and
        prior to building the hybrid bonding   wafer level. Other approaches include   counting: Future directions of silicon
        layers, while another option is to send   built-in redundancy of cores and IP   and packaging,” InterPACK, 2005.
        the wafers back to the fab to re-polish   blocks, and enabling end-of-line repair/  4.  TM Mak, “Microbumps – to
        and repair the probe marks [11]. These   configurability to account for noise,   probe or not?,” Test Vision 20/20,
        solutions pose multiple problems. First,   power, and thermal variations post-  SEMICON West, San Francisco,

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