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hear from several leading companies who   professional or an executive, ECTC offers   this opportunity to thank our sponsors,
        will discuss their future vision for advanced   something unique for everyone in the   exhibitors, authors, speakers, PDC
        electronics packaging.             microelectronics packaging and components   instructors, session chairs, and program
          We are continuing our tradition and   industry. As the Program Chair, I invite   committee members, as well as all the
        bringing back the young professionals   you to make your plans now to join us   volunteers who help make the 71st ECTC a
        networking event (Session #5). This is a   and be a part of all the exciting technical   success. I look forward to virtually meeting
        great networking opportunity for young   and professional opportunities offered   all of you on June 1, 2021.
        engineers, researchers, and students, to meet   at this event. I would also like to take
        senior EPS members and professionals,
        learn more about industry activities, receive
        career guidance, and engage through a
        series of activities. The ECTC Diversity
        Panel (Session #4) – started a few years
        ago as a women-focused panel – has now
        evolved into a Diversity and Career Panel.
        Its focus will be on the correlation between
        diversity in the workplace and enhanced
        business performance. This year’s ECTC
        Plenary Session (#3) will address the
        evolution and challenges of our industry in
        light of the pandemic, and the expectations
        that will drive packaging developments in
        the future. Our colleagues from Japan will
        be chairing Session #6, which will focus on
        the permissible latency in certain systems,
        and how high-bandwidth optical networks
        are critically important for satisfying
        latency requirements.
          Following the industry trends and a
        growing interest in photonics, ECTC 2021
        will feature a special session (Session #7) in
        which a panel of experts will provide their
        perspectives on the studies and technological
        improvements needed for safely detecting
        and eradicating pathogens on surfaces and
        spaces. A reliability-focused ECTC Special
        Session #8 will highlight LTS research areas
        most critical to component suppliers to
        improve compatibility with surface mount
        technology (SMT) LTS processing and to
        enhance solder joint reliability.
          ECTC Special Session #9 will focus
        on some of the challenges associated with
        packaging sensors and the electronic signal
        chain into these emerging, at-home clinical-
        grade wearables. ECTC Special Session #10
        will cover materials and technologies for
        advanced packaging.
          In addition to the technical and special
        sessions and panels, the 71st ECTC event
        will  offer several professional development
        courses (PDCs) and Technology Corner
        exhibits. Fourteen PDCs organized by PDC
        Committee chairs, Kitty Pearsall and Jeffrey
        Suhling, will be offered.
          Whether you are an engineer, a manager,
        a student, or a business and marketing

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