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Automating RF PA device manufacturing to accelerate

        5G wireless rollout

        By Limin Zhou, Julius Ortega  [MRSI Systems, Mycronic Group]
        T        he successful rollout of 5G   bands [2]. According to Yole’s report [3],   achieving a good die bonding process

                 wireless  depends  on  the
                 deployment of a significant   the total GaN RF market will increase   using a fully-automated solution in order
                                                                              to enable multi-process and multi-die
                                           from $740 million in 2020 to more than $2
        quantity of base stations with a higher   billion by 2025, with a compound annual   manufacturing required for RF PA device
        density of radio frequency (RF) power   growth rate (CAGR) of 12%. Telecom   production for 5G base stations. The
        amplifiers (PA) compared to the older   infrastructure and military radar are the   sections below discuss these challenges.
        4G technology. Each 5G base station has   main drivers for RF GaN. The telecom   RF PA chip handling. Electrostatic
        more channels, and each channel needs   infrastructure market segment for 5G   discharge (ESD) is a major factor that
        one RF PA device. These devices are   wireless will enjoy a 15% CAGR.  can potentially destroy or damage the RF
        key components that boost the RF power   This article discusses an essential   PA chips. To solve this problem, the die
        signals in base stations.          element in automating RF power amplifier   bonder should be properly grounded and
          Before the 5G era, silicon-based   device manufacturing—a fully automated   periodically tested for ESD compliance
        lateral double-diffused metal oxide   die bonding solution to support the flexible,   for all work surfaces that contact the
        semiconductor (Si-LDMOS) was the   high-precision, high-volume manufacturing   product to minimize or eliminate ESD
        mainstream solution in the RF PA   required for large-scale deployment of RF   risk during production.
        market  for  4G  long-term  evolution   PA devices in 5G applications.  These RF PA chips have unique
        (LTE) technology. Those devices are                                   characteristics—they may be larger
        now regarded as almost commodities   Manufacturing requirements       than other chips, with an aspect ratio of
        with a high level of technical maturity.   and challenges             more than 10. They are long and thin
        Traditional Si-LDMOS performs well at   RF PA devices have two major die   dies (thickness can be as little as 30µm),
        3.5GHz and below, but is unable to meet   bonding assembly methods: eutectic and   with air bridges or sensitive structures on
        the higher frequency requirements for   epoxy. The eutectic process, which is the   the top that can be damaged if excessive
        5G applications. The operating frequency   most common die bonding technique for   force or stress is applied to the top. These
        of gallium arsenide (GaAs) applications   power electronic devices, has historically   characteristics require delicate handling
        is mainly within 8GHz, suitable for   been the only method for making higher   including placement force control that is
        medium- and low-power devices for   power RF PA devices used in base   only achieved with real-time force feedback.
        5G cell stations. In the high-power RF   stations. The eutectic alloy between the   The die pick and place process uses vacuum
        application, gallium nitride (GaN) has   die and the heat sink is typically gold-  collets that hold the chip edges. GaAs and
        obvious advantages and is a necessary   silicon (AuSi) or gold-tin (AuSn), which   GaN are naturally brittle materials. The
        material for 5G macro stations. GaAs   gives the best thermal conductivity and   bonding force ranges from 10g to 100g,
        and GaN are on the rise to replace silicon   lowest possible void rate after bonding.   which must be tightly controlled to avoid
        as the backbone of power switching   On the other hand, the traditional epoxy   damage and for the best bonds.
        technology thanks to better power   process may be cheaper, but has lower   GaAs and GaN eutectic processes.
        systems efficiency, performance, and   thermal conductivity and a higher void   Gold-tin (AuSn 80/20) is the alloy most
        cost, of GaAs and GaN. As wide-bandgap   rate after bonding. This may be sufficient   commonly used in the industry for bonding
        (WBG) semiconductor materials,     for some low-power/low-reliability   GaAs and GaN chips, because of its
        both GaAs and GaN devices are more   devices. In recent years, some new die   compatibility with gold-based components
        efficient than Si. GaAs/GaN devices are   bonding adhesive materials and processes   and its long-term stability. The backsides
        replacing Si-LDMOS devices in 5G base   have been developed to replace AuSi/  of GaAs and GaN chips are plated with a
        stations, radar, and avionics, as well as   AuSn solder for cost reduction for high-  gold layer to provide a good thermal and
        other broadband applications. In future   power devices. For example, the pressure-  electrical interface and allow flexibility
        network designs, GaAs/GaN and other   less nanosilver sintering materials   in the die attachment method. The solder
        WBG materials will replace most of   are expected to have good thermal   preforms (12~50µm in thickness) are often
        the existing Si-LDMOS devices due to   conductivity for high-power devices and   used in this process. The solder preform
        limitations of their physical properties [1].   to be able to adapt the standard epoxy   size is determined experimentally. Al 2 O 3 ,
        Generally speaking, 5G base stations will   dispensing equipment and process. The   Cu-W, Cu-Mo, and Si and SiC, etc., are the
        incorporate GaAs/GaN-based PAs for the   materials and processes have not yet   common materials for substrates.
        higher frequencies, while Si-LDMOS will   matured enough for RF PA devices.  The lowest melting point of the AuSn
        remain just a part of the mix for lower   There are five major challenges to   80/20 alloy is 280°C. A 2% decrease of

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