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spindle height to control for any
variation identified.
Studies were conducted to determine
baseline system performance using the
AMS, such that any spindle variation
over time could then be controlled
(Figure 7). As can be seen from the
results, AMS can resolve down to system
accuracies of <3.2µm @ Cpk 1.33.
Substrate and interconnect dimensions
require placement capability over large
substrates up to 600mm x 600mm
at sub-10µm XY accuracy and sub-
0.075º theta accuracy to achieve high
yield. Placement rates of >16K have
been demonstrated at this performance
level—a key aspect to minimizing the
cost of assembly.
Additionally, as die thicknesses
are reduced below 100µm, there is
an increased potential for cracking,
chipping or uncontrolled warpage when
handling and transporting die in tape Figure 8: Study on key ejection parameters affecting die stress to ensure optimal ejector performance.
or tray. Taping or tray transfer also has
negative impacts on lead time and work “changeover” time of approximately releases the die from the wafer, allowing
in process (WiP). By transitioning to 50%. For large die applications, where for fast wafer to placement handoff. In
direct pick from wafer with a high-speed the overall time to pick all die on a single order to determine the correct ejector
placement platform, die damage can be wafer can be under 120 seconds, this can operation, our Advanced Process Lab
eliminated, while lead-time and WiP result in an overall system throughput (APL) undertook a study to examine the
are reduced. Direct pick from wafer, improvement on the order of 25%. key ejection parameters affecting die
however, presents several challenges that Likewise, for heterogeneous integration stress. Results of this study are presented
must be addressed. First, the process applications where a wafer exchange in Figure 8.
of stretching and unstretching a wafer may occur in as few as 30 seconds,
can also lead to chipping, and must this can lead to overall throughput Summary
be eliminated. Second, with multiple improvements of up to 100%. In conclusion, advanced semiconductor
die types and wafer types, a single Key benefits of the patented cartridge packaging applications are growing in
placement solution needs to efficiently system includes: 1) minimizing de- volume and complexity and require new
handle multiple die types picked from expansion events; 2) managements of assembly solutions to ensure high yield
different wafers by minimizing the multiple wafer sizes; 3) reduction of at the best overall cost per placement.
“changeover” time from one wafer type downtime for tooling changeover; 4) Innovative solutions have been assessed
to a different wafer type. accommodation of difficult die types and proven to be viable, delivering the
A solution that can stretch and (thin, large, high aspect ratio); and required accuracy over the SEMI standard
store wafers in an assembly system, 5) elimination of die chipping with large panel format. These solutions have
asynchronous from pick operations in programmable stretch. additionally demonstrated the speed
a wafer table, can eliminate stretch/ Key features of the online expansion and utilization required for efficient
unstretch cycles as well as maximize system include: 1) eliminates the need and economic assembly operations.
overall system utilization. Such a to pre-expand wafers; 2) supports four Heterogeneous integration delivers the
solution has been developed and 13-slot wafer cassettes or two 25-slot
evaluated utilizing a patented cartridge cassettes; and 3) four slots per side allow ability to optimize the performance of the
storage and transfer system for wafers. for management of four cartridges each. chip with the performance of the package.
Data collected has demonstrated that Another feature of this solution is
such a system eliminates the need to a high-precision (sub-micron X,Y,Z)
unstretch a wafer until consumed. It servo-driven ejector that precisely
also results in a reduction in wafer
Glenn Farris is VP Marketing and Corporate Strategy at Universal Instruments, Conklin, NY USA. He joined
Universal in 2013 as VP, Marketing and has been instrumental in leading the company into developing strategic
relationship with some of the world’s largest technology leaders. He holds an MBA in Marketing and Finance from Santa
Clara U., an MS in Engineering from Stanford U., and a BS in Engineering from Purdue U. Email
16 Chip Scale Review January • February • 2021 []