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A new era of smart packaging:
the introduction of chiplets
By E. Jan Vardaman [TechSearch International, Inc.]
T he use of chiplets will be AMD functions such as a modem. The active
one of the most important
interposer can contain active parts
AMD’s current chiplet solution uses
developments for the next 10
controller hub (PCH) that manages
to 20 years, according to Dr. a laminate substrate. The company has of the system, such as the platform
shipped multiple versions of its server
Douglas Yu, TSMC’s Vice President, processor using chiplets. Up to eight 8-core I/O for the system. The active interposer
Research & Development/Integrated processors are tightly coupled together on is mounted on a package substrate with
Interconnect Packaging. Continued an organic substrate. The chiplets can be solder bumps (see Figure 1). While the
monolithic integration is expensive and binned and speed-sorted before assembly first demonstration of the technology
suffers from the defect density yield loss in the package. At the system level, the used micro bumps. Future versions
associated with large die. An increasing multi-die package architecturally acts are expected to use hybrid or direct
number of companies are turning to new as if it were a monolithic die [2]. AMD’s interconnect bonding without a bump.
architectures using chiplets to achieve new architecture allows the chiplets to The Foveros technology will give
the economic advantages lost with communicate with each other as well as designers greater flexibility to mix and
expensive monolithic scaling, ushering externally, including power and ground match IP blocks with various memory
in a new era of smart packaging [1]. management. This new architecture and and I /O elements i nto new for m
The role of heterogeneous integration, future approaches will allow performance factors. Mounting memory on an active
especially chiplets, is pivotal in this improvements that cannot be met with interposer removes the bottleneck of
new era. A chiplet is a functional circuit monolithic integration, including power memory proximity. Intel is expected
block and includes reusable intellectual consumption. Future versions are expected to leverage the technology across many
When Moore’s Law no longer gets your property (IP) blocks. A chiplet can using other organic solutions. product lines.
be created by partitioning a die into
functions and is typically attached to a
ICs where they need to go. silicon interposer or organic substrate.
Simply using a logic die plus high-
bandwidth memor y (HBM) on an
FormFactor takes on the challenge with test interposer would not necessarily be
and measurement solutions to reduce the counted as a chiplet solution.
manufacturing cost of advanced packages. Drivers for chiplets
The demand for chiplets is driven
Advanced packaging adds a new vertical dimension to IC layout. Multiple by the need for a more cost-effective Figure 1: Foveros technology with 3D face-to-face stacking. SOURCE: Intel
dies merge into single systems with unprecedented interconnect density. solution, the reuse of IP, and new test
Performance goes up. Power consumption goes down. f lows. A cost reduction is possible Intel TSMC
b e c a u s e d ie f u n c t io n s , s u c h a s Intel’s chiplet solution is Foveros. TSMC and ARM demonstrated a 7nm
And wafer-level test and measurement becomes nearly essential to I/O control, are split out. These die It is a 3D integration technology chiplet solution on a chip-on-wafer-on-
guarantee cost-effective fabrication and packaging. Successful verification functions are more difficult to scale, as a form of heterogeneous system substrate (CoWoS). Two quad-core Cortex-
at this level requires probing and measuring with extraordinary precision, requir ing more time and money. integration. Heterogeneous integration 72-based 7nm chiplets were mounted
optically, electrically and mechanically. Cost reduction is achieved by chip is def i ned a s t he i nt eg r at ion of on the silicon interposer and connected
integration. With chips divided in separately manufactured components using TSMC’s Low-voltage-IN-Package
FormFactor not only understands the problem, it’s also providing timely two, the split chips can be stacked to into a higher-level assembly or system- INterCONnect (LIPINCON) interface. Each
solutions to advance yield knowledge at every phase of wafer level test in provide a 20% cost improvement. Chip in-package (SiP) that, in aggregate, chiplet featured four ARM Cortex A72
advanced IC packaging. partitioning also improves time-to- provides enhanced functionality and processors and an on-die interconnect mesh
market. The chiplet is not a new idea, improved operating characteristics. bus. The die-to-die inter-chiplet connection
Let us help you rise to the occasion. Visit but electronic design automation (EDA) The technology uses a 3D face-to- features scalable 0.56pJ/bit power efficiency,
tool improvements are making new face stacking process. In the process, 1.6Tb/s/mm bandwidth density, and 0.3V
architectures possible. The following logic die are bumped and mounted LIPINCON low-voltage interface achieving
sections highlight chiplet technology by on a n a c t ive i nt e r p o se r nex t t o 8GT/s and 320GB/s bandwidth. It was
different entities. memory or die with communication produced in April, 2019.
Chip Scale Review May • June • 2020 [] 5 5
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