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complex array of packaging technologies                               Tan, Nanyang Technological University
        that lie under the hood of such devices,                              (Singapore).
        spanning the three areas of augmented reality                           A highlight of the conference was the
        processing (ARP), display and imaging                                 banquet (Figure 6), which was held on Mount
        (D&I) and low-energy wireless (LW)                                    Faber, from which delegates were able to enjoy
        communication. Meta has demonstrated                                  a spectacular view of the southern coastline.
        unique approaches that combine advanced
        packaging technologies like flip chip, fan-  Figure 5: Panel on “Chiplets as an Enabler for
        out wafer-level packaging and through-  System Scaling.”
        silicon via (TSV)—often within the same
        package. He discussed the challenges created   The panel revisited the drivers behind chiplets
        by the need to spawn new ecosystems,   technology, the manufacturing ecosystem, and
        such as heterogeneous integration and   use cases. The Universal Chiplet Interconnect
        fabrication methods that often fall in the   Express (UCIe ) was also discussed. The
        grey zone between foundry and outsourced   panel ended with a critical examination of the
        semiconductor and test (OSAT).     supply chain and market outlook.   Figure 6: Conference banquet at the Mount Faber
          Dr. Sundar Ramamurthy, VP & GM     The HIR workshop was held at the   Restaurant.
        Advanced Packaging, Applied Materials,   end of the conference with the theme:
        delivered the third keynote entitled, “Materials   “Heterogeneous Integration Paving the   The delegates had a great networking session
        Engineering Innovations to Address Next-  Way for Global Electronics Resurgence.”   after more than two years of not being able to
        Gen Electronics Packaging Challenges   Heterogeneous  integration  through   do so in person because of COVID-19.
        (Figure 4).” He declared that hybrid bonding   advanced packaging innovations is widely   The EPTC2022 Executive Committee
        needs new dielectrics and optimized copper   acknowledged as being increasingly   would like to thank all our conference
                                           important to drive performance, system   delegates, sponsors, exhibitors, partners and
                                           availability, power efficiency, cost and time   all other contributors for their participation.
                                           to market of microelectronics systems—  Industry partners have continued their strong
                                           from high-performance computing (HPC)   support of the EPTC in 2022, which has
                                           and data centers, to 5G and beyond, mobile,   enabled EPTC to be an excellent platform
                                           autonomous automotive, IoT, and the medical   for packaging technologists from all over the
                                           and health markets. The HIR is a system-   world, but especially from Asia, to share and
                                           and application-driven roadmap inclusive   exchange information and ideas on electronics
                                           of the full microelectronics technology   packaging technologies. Special thanks to
        Figure 4: Third keynote speaker, Dr. Sundar   ecosystem with the purpose of delivering the   the Organizing Committee (Figure 7) for its
        Ramamurthy, Applied Materials.     next extension of Moore’s Law for decades   strong commitment, dedication and support
                                           to come. Dr. Ravi Mahajan gave an overview   in making EPTC2022 a memorable event!
        grain morphology that enable low-temperature   of HIR that was followed by presentations
        processing. Tuning chemical mechanical   on: 1) the supply chain by Dr. Kitty Pearsall,
        processing (CMP) for optimal bond surface   EPS President; 2) thermal management by
        profiles can improve the efficiency of the   Dr. Gamal Refai-Ahmed, AMD; 3) 2D–3D
        bonding process. Panel-level packaging offers   Interconnects by Dr. Ravi Mahajan, Intel; and
        the ability to reduce cost by moving to a larger   4) updates on photonics by Prof. Amr Helmy,
        format, but new challenges for handling large   University of Toronto.
        substrates need to be overcome. Speeding   A Packaging Education workshop was
        up yield learning and addressing defect   organized by Profs. Jeff Suhling and Andrew   Figure 7: EPTC2022 Organizing Committee.
        sources also require increased inspection and   Tay. The main objective of the workshop
        monitoring for known-good die. Materials   was to discover what some universities in   EPTC2023 will be the 25th Anniversary
        challenges and engineering innovations that   Asia are doing to prepare their students to   of EPTC and will be held in the Marina
        are enabling the advances required for the   enter the electronics packaging industry. The   Bay Sands Convention Centre, Singapore,
        next generation of electronics packaging were   following professors shared specialization   on Dec. 5-8, 2023. The normal 3-day
        also shared.                       programs on electronics packaging in their   conference will be extended by a day for an
          Following the keynotes was a panel session  respective universities and countries: 1) Prof.   extra-special program of celebration. The
          on “Chiplets as an Enabler for System   K. N. Chiang, National Tsing Hua University   fall meeting of the EPS Board of Governors
        Scaling,” which was moderated by Prof. CS   (Taiwan); 2) Prof. Wenhui Zhu, Central   (BoG) will be held in conjunction with
        Tan (Figure 5). The panel speakers were Dr.   South University (China); 3) Prof. Gu-Sung   EPTC2023 and many of the BoG members
        Ravi Mahajan, Intel; Dr. Raj Pendse, Meta   Kim, Kangnam University (South Korea);   are expected to play a role in the conference.
        Reality Labs; Dr. Bernd Dielacher, EVG   4) Prof. Anandaroop Bhattacharya, IIT   The Call for Papers will be posted soon at
        Group; and Dr. Yik Yee Tan, Yole Group.   Kharagpur (India); and 5) Prof. Chuan Seng

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