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                                     Highlights of the 24th EPTC Conference

                                     By Ranjan Rajoo  [GlobalFoundries]  Andrew Tay  [National University of Singapore]

        T        he  24th  IEEE  Electronics   Methodology and Statistical Knowledge for

                                           Qualifications of Consumer and Automotive
                 Pa c k a g i ng Te c h n ol o g y
                 Conference (EPTC2022) is an
                 international event organized   Electronic Components,” by Dr. Fen Chen,
                                           Cruise LLC (a GM company); 2) “Photonic
        by the IEEE Singapore RS/EPS/EDS   Technologies for Communication, Sensing,
        Chapter and co-sponsored by the IEEE   and Displays,” by Dr. Torsten Wipiejewski,
        Electronics Packaging Society (EPS). Since   Huawei Technologies; 3) “Reliability of
        its inauguration in 1997, EPTC has been   Heterogeneous Integration (HI) Systems -
        established as a highly reputable international   Reliability Needs of HI Stakeholders,” by
        electronics packaging conference and is   Prof. SB Park, The State University of New
        the EPS flagship conference in the Asia-  York, Binghamton; 4) “Fan-Out Packaging
        Pacific Region. It aims to cover the complete   and Chiplet Heterogeneous Integration,” by
        spectrum of electronics packaging technology.   Dr. John H. Lau, Unimicron Technology;
        Topics include modules, components,   and 5) “Advanced Packaging for MEMS   Figure 2: First keynote speaker, Dr. Ravi Mahajan,
        materials, equipment technology, assembly,   and Sensors,” by Dr. Horst Theuss, Infineon
        reliability, interconnect design, device   Technologies.              architectures. He gave specific examples
        and systems packaging, heterogeneous   Dr. Chandra Rao, General Chair of the   showing how product implementations
        integration, wafer-level packaging, flexible   EPTC 2022, gave the welcome address,   can take advantage of these technologies
        electronics, light-emitting diodes (LED),   thanking all conference delegates, sharing   to provide an unprecedented level of
        the internet of things (IoT), 5G, emerging   the conference statistics and extended   performance, and described the challenges
        technologies, 2.5D/3D integration technology,   appreciation to sponsors, exhibitors and   and opportunities in developing robust
        smart manufacturing, automation and   conference partners for their support. In   advanced packaging architectures.
        artificial intelligence (AI). EPTC2022   her opening speech (Figure 1), Dr. Kitty   Dr. Raj Pendse, Director of Si Packaging,
        featured keynotes, a panel, a heterogeneous   Pearsall, the IEEE EPS President, presented   Meta Reality Lab, delivered the second
        integration roadmap (HIR) workshop,   an overview of the society’s mission and   keynote entitled, “New Directions and
        technical sessions, invited talks, professional   activities, and expressed her appreciation to   Challenges in the Packaging of augmented
        development courses (PDCs), interactive   the EPTC2022 organizing committee for its   reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) Hardware
        sessions, packaging education workshop, and   great work.             (Figure 3).” His presentation focused on the
        an exhibition and networking activities.
          This year, the 24th EPTC2022 went in-
        person as opposed to being virtual the last
        two years (2020 and 2021) due to COVID-19.
        The conference was held from December
        7 to  December 9 at the Grand Copthorne
        Waterfront Hotel in Singapore. With over
        430 attendees from 20 countries, it was a
        good opportunity to catch up with industry
        technologists and academicians. The
        conference had a total of 201 papers, with   Figure 1: Dr. Kitty Pearsall, EPS President, giving   Figure 3: Second keynote speaker, Dr. Raj Pendse,
        137 oral and 36 interactive presentations; 28   her opening speech.   Meta.
        papers were pre-recorded for on-demand
        viewing by those unable to travel due to   Following the opening ceremony, three   new trajectory for Si packaging technology
        COVID-19 restrictions in their respective   keynotes were delivered by prominent leaders   set by the emergence of AR/VR hardware
        countries. The conference had three keynotes,   from industry. Dr. Ravi Mahajan, Intel Fellow,   and advanced wearable computing. The next
        a panel session, a HIR workshop, a packaging   gave the first keynote on “Challenges and   major step in that evolution will be wearable
        education workshop, 6 invited presentations,   Opportunities in Heterogeneous Integration   computing in the form of novel, hands-off
        two exhibitor presentations, 42 oral sessions,   (Figure 2).” His speech addressed the   and all-day wearable AR/VR devices like
        and two interactive presentation sessions.  tremendous opportunities that heterogeneous   AR glasses. These devices will continue
          The conference kicked off with 5 half-  integration presents in different application   the remarkable journey of miniaturization
        day professional development courses:   environments. He also focused on the   and power/performance carved out by their
        1)  “Reliability Engineering Testing   projected evolution of advanced packaging   predecessors. Dr. Pendse also discussed the

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