Page 49 - Chip Scale Review_November December_2022-digital
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wafer.” In this configuration, the   bonding, wafer thinning, and nTSV    51, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/
        original backsides of both wafers now   processing, are gradually being improved,   MSPEC.2021.9531012
        reside on the outside of the 3D-SoC   thereby preparing the new routing   2.  S. K. Moore, “Arm shows backside
        system (Figure 7). We can now think   technology to introduce in advanced logic   power delivery as path to further
        of exploiting the “free” backside of the   technology nodes and future 3D SoCs.   Moore’s Law,”  IEEE Spectrum,
        “logic wafer” to deliver the power to                                     2019;
        the power-hungry core logic circuits.   References                        a r m - shows - b a ck sid e - p owe r-
        This can be accomplished in the same   1.  B. Cline, et al., “Power from   del ive r y-a s -pat h-t o -f u r t he r-
        way as proposed for 2D SoCs. The       below: buried interconnects will   moores-law
        main difference with this configuration   help save Moore’s Law,”  IEEE   3.  A. Veloso, et al., “Enabling logic
        is that the original dummy blanket     Spectrum, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 46-  with backside connectivity via
        wafer – earlier introduced to enable the
        wafer thinning – is now replaced by
        a second, active wafer (in this case, a
        memory wafer).
          Although the design noted above is
        yet to be implemented experimentally,
        first assessments from the IR drop
        perspective are very encouraging. The
        proposed solution was validated on a
        memory-on-logic partitioned design         LEADERS IN
        using an advanced node research
        process design kit (PDK). Implementing     MICRO DISPENSING
        a BSPDN w it h nTSVs a nd BPR s
        showed promising results: 81% and 77%      TECHNOLOGY
        average and peak IR drop reduction
        for t he bot t om d ie compa re d t o      SMALL REPEATABLE VOLUMES
        conventional frontside power delivery.     ARE A CHALLENGE, BUT NOT
        This makes backside power delivery         IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE BEEN
        ideal for 3D-IC power delivery in          CREATING THEM AS LONG AS WE HAVE.
        advanced complementary metal-oxide
        semiconductor (CMOS) nodes [7].
          For both 2D and 3D designs, the
        concept of exploiting the wafer’s free     TO DO IT WELL,
        backside can potentially be expanded
        to other functions by adding specific      WE PROVIDE THREE THINGS:
        devices in the backside, such as I/Os or
        electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection
        devices. Imec, for example, combined
        backside processing with implementing      Dispensing Expertise in a variety of microelectronic
        a 2.5D (i.e., pillar-like) metal-insulator-  packaging applications.
        metal capacitor (MIMCAP), which
        serves as a decoupling capacitor. The      Feasibility Testing & Process Verification based
        2.5D MIMPCAP boosts capacitance            on years of product engineering, material flow testing
        density with a factor of 4 to 5, allowing   and software control.
        a further improvement of the IR drop.
        The results were derived from an IR        Product Development for patented valves,
        drop modeling framework calibrated         dispensing cartridges, needles, and accessories.
        with experimental data [8].

          Future chips may well break the
        tradition of delivering power through
        the frontside. A BSPDN with backside       Our Micro Dispensing product line is proven and trusted by
        metals, buried power rails, and nTSVs      manufacturers in semiconductor, electronics assembly, medical
        has shown clear advantages in reducing     device and electro-mechanical assembly the world over.
        the IR drop, releasing the BEOL routing
        strain, and improving standard cell
        height scaling. The critical process
        steps, including BPR integration, wafer    216 River Street, Haverhill, MA 01832  •  P: 978.374.6451  •  F: 978.372.4889  •

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