Page 11 - Chip Scale Review_November December_2022-digital
P. 11

Add it ionally, t hese seem i ngly   China is not going to sit by idly and will   Finally, there is the added argument
        protectionist moves on the part of the   continue to explore ways to catch up.   that these efforts to increase domestic
        U.S., EU, and Japan seem to include a   What China has been able to achieve on   manufact u r ing will be exercises
        certain level of international cooperation.   many fronts in a relatively short period of   in futility. Today, American core
        In May of 2022, President Biden and   time is a testament to its national resolve,   c o m p e t e n c y l i e s o n t h e d e s i g n
        PM Kishida agreed to explore joint U.S.-  discipline and ability. It will continue   side, whereas the  state-of-the-art
        Japan development of next-generation   to compete, at least on manufacturing   semiconductor manufacturing has
        semiconductors. In October, there was   at the lower end of the semiconductor   moved to Asia, specifically Taiwan and
        a “Chip 4” meeting, led by the U.S.,   manufacturing technology spectrum.   South Korea, for advanced wafer nodes,
        which included Taiwan, Japan and South   Such products are, and will continue to   and Southeast Asian nations for back-
        Korea to discuss possible cooperation   be, widely used in many applications.  end assembly and test. It will take the
        regarding semiconductor supply chain                                  U.S. over two years to catch up with
        resilience. These moves toward gaining   A new era of competitiveness   the likes of TSMC and Samsung on the
        strategic autonomy in semiconductor   The  new  focus on  manufacturing   advanced wafer nodes. After letting
        manufacturing seem be less of isolated   through sovereign investment in the   the semiconductor manufacturing
        protectionism and effectively more   U.S., Europe and Japan in the front   competency slowly erode away starting
        of a “collective and coordinated”   end, with a similar focus of southeast   from the late 90s, the U.S. and Japan
        protectionism. If done through proper   Asian countries in the back end, along   now lack the required talent pool to
        international cooperation, it can create   with China’s burning ambition to catch   manufacture advanced semiconductors
        a competitive global landscape that   up in the technology, could usher in a   within their shores—this will take years
        will, in turn, allow healthy progression   new level of market competitiveness   to cultivate. Additionally, the funding
        of technology development and cost   the world hasn’t witnessed in decades.   required for U.S., EU and Japan to gain
        competitiveness.                   And such healthy competition is always   back the market share they once had
          There is nothing fundamentally   a good thing for innovation and cost-  would require substantially more capital
        wrong or immoral about an honest effort   effective solutions that help propel the   than what the CHIPS Act has allocated.
        to boost the internal manufacturing   broader global market economy, and that   For example, the U.S. will have to spend
        capability for any nation. Government   ultimately, benefits the consumer.  about US$300 billion to get back the 37%
        incentives such as the CHIPS Act are   T h e  U . S .  e f f o r t  t o  i m p e d e   market share it once had. Similarly, the
        a common way to achieve this boost   China’s  ability  to  access  advanced   EU will require a capital expenditure of
        when significant capital is involved to   semiconductor technology is a matter of   US$164 billion to achieve its 20% share
        entice companies to set up domestic   concern for many nations. Most of the   of semiconductor production. If these
        manufacturing plants. While the U.S.,   players in the Asia region are playing   gaps in funding are to be filled from
        EU and Japan have newly enacted such   it “safe” by trying not to displease   the private sector, the government will
        subsidies, China has been doing this for   either superpower to ensure access   need to continually ensure such support.
        almost a decade starting with its 2014   to both the advanced technologies   This may prove to be a difficult path if
        National Integrated-Circuit Plan and   and the China market. Additionally,   the political interest in achieving these
        Fund, which was endowed with US$150   many countries in the Asia Pacific   goals starts to wane—one of the risks of
        billion from central and provincial   region such as Thailand, Malaysia,   democratic societies.
        governments. Their latest 14th Five-Year   Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam   These “CHIPS Act” initiatives by
        Plan includes significant government   are likely to reap benefit as companies,   governments already seem to be paying
        focus and funding for the advancement   worried about future sanctions, may   some dividends in terms of ushering in
        of domestic semiconductor development   want to start or increase production in   investment from the private sector. Intel,
        and production—the Shanghai municipal   these countries, especially in the back-  TSMC, GlobalFoundries and Samsung
        government alone is supposed to fund   end sectors of assembly and test, so as   have all announced new wafer fab
        RMB 300 billion towards the initiative.   to diversify away from China. Along   facilities in the U.S. through the next few
        China is not alone in providing such   this line, India seems to have renewed   years in Ohio, Arizona, Texas, and up-
        subsidies. Last year, South Korea   its ambition to become a major player   state New York. This includes a 5nm
        announced tax credits up to 50% of   in the semiconductor manufacturing   technology fab by TSMC. STMicro and
        investment in semiconductor research   space, and in a true sense of support,   GlobalFoundries just recently signed a
        and development creating a US$450   the gover nment is putting money   memorandum of understanding to build a
        billion investment from local companies.  behind its mouth this time around.   new fab in Crolles, France at a cost of €5.7
          The third argument that these moves   The country is counting on benefiting   billion. Intel recently unveiled its massive
        are geopolitically motivated to a large   from the West’s increasing concern   €80 billion investment plan in Europe
        extent is undeniable. Despite all the   on  relying  too  much  on  China  and   starting with two fabs in Magdeburg,
        political rhetoric and trade sanctions,   trying to become a key semiconductor   Germany at a cost of €33 billion.
        the world finds itself in the awkward   manufacturing hub even though it will   Earlier this year, encouraged by METI’s
        position of not being able to ignore the   take at least a decade, if not longer,   commitment to domestic semiconductor
        huge China market—the largest market   to do so. It is telling that, for the first   growth, TSMC planned its first ever wafer
        for semiconductors by sales commanding   time, some of Apple’s iPhone 14s are   fab plant in Kumamoto in Kyushu Island,
        about a 35% share. At the same time,   assembled in India.            a joint venture with SONY and Denso.

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