Page 19 - Chip Scale Review Sep Oct_2022-digital
P. 19

Figure 2: Various approaches of accomplishing heterogeneous integration (HI). SOURCE: ASMPT internal report, 2019
        last/face-down mode, which is important   Multi-die requirement. As HI   Thin-die requirement. Because the
        for high-density fan-out applications. In   continues to prevail, multi-die packages   package profile is another essential factor
        the case of thermocompression bonding   containing dies of different sizes will   when considering AP, sometimes die
        (TCB), flip-chip bonding with local reflow   become common (Figure 5). The die   thickness would go down below 50μm.
        is a must requirement, though typically, it   attach tool should be able to support a   For some specific applications, such
        cannot co-exist with fan-out bond modes.  single recipe to handle different die sizes.   as memory die for stacking, as well as
          Die size. Because of the varying die   Hardware support required includes tooling   bridge die for embedding, the thickness
        sizes required for different processes, the   designed for different die sizes and the   could be as thin as, or less than, 30µm.
        range of die sizes can vary from 0.5mm x   tooling such as the ejector, die pick collet,   Normal pin for die ejection might
        0.5mm to a size as large as 26mm x 33mm.   and die bond collet should be automatically   become insufficient to ensure crack-free
        The size of molded compound die can be   changed. Additionally, wafers of different   die pick-up; specially designed needle-
        up to 70mm x 70mm. It is a challenge for   dies should be automatically loaded from   less  multi-blade  ejector  technology
        a die attach tool to allow such a large die   the wafer cassette, without the need for   has been proven to be a high-volume
        size variation from pick-up until the attach   human intervention to support tooling part   manufacturing (HVM) solution for thin-
        process on the substrate is complete.  conversion and recipe program loading.  die handling (Figure 6).

        Figure 3: Examples of major advanced packaging and placement accuracy requirements.

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