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Supporting DUT trends with ATE
The ATE and device interface board
(DIB) architectures are critical to
the ability to sufficiently test current
and future devices. The following are
examples of architectures that enable the
DUT trends discussed in this article.
Cleaner paths from instruments to
DUTs and to application circuitry.
A traditional interface board has
instruments connecting to extremely
dense “clusters” of function types
(power, digital, analog, utility signals,
etc.), as illustrated in Figure 3a. As
site and channel counts increase, a
large number of signals must cross over
each other. The crossovers increase
layer counts and signal losses, make
site to site test correlation difficult,
and add time to route the board.
By rotating the orientation of the Figure 3: Power supply routing layer comparison for: a) (left) a classic DIB; and b) (right) a next-generation
instruments 90 degrees relative to DIB. SOURCE: Teradyne
the DUT, the signals are organized in DUTs and application circuitry. Another the series equivalent R and L, adds the
”strips,” instead of “clusters,” as seen benefit of the reduced total capacitance terms, Zl=jωL and Zr=R. Z total is these
in Figure 3b. Consequently, the routing is less damage to probes because of the three terms in series. Z= R + 1/(jωC)
from instrument to the DUT area is possibility of the high energy storage + (jωL). Solving for magnitude, |Z| =
significantly improved into clean routing of the capacitor being released rapidly, square root {R^2 + [ωL – 1/(ωC)]^2}.
channels. This results in improved route causing needle or socket pin burn. Table At the frequency point where (ωL) = 1/
utilization per layer and the ability to 2 compares traditional solutions with (ωC), the reactive terms cancel out, and
implement a clean “site copy” approach better solutions for satisfying stable all that remains is the R term. Typically,
to DUT layout, which then aids in site- DUT voltages across a wide frequency R is small, which sets a low impedance
to-site matching and device correlation. range of transient currents. resonant point at that frequency.
Higher-performance instruments The elimination of the large-value bulk Having a very large value capacitor in
and delivery paths to the DIBs. capacitor packages also reduces the chance parallel with small value capacitors can
Another DUT requirement the ATE of resonances in the frequency response of set multiple resonant points as shown in
must address is the need for extremely the power network when combined with Figure 4. Operating near these resonant
fast responding voltage sources. These the high-frequency capacitors. Resonance points can have adverse or inconsistent
voltage sources have loop responses can happen if there is a significant gap in results on power performance and test
reaching into the Megahertz frequency the self-resonant frequencies of different results. Reducing to fewer capacitor
range. By reaching this speed, there capacitor banks on the board. types can eliminate resonant frequency
is no need to use space on the DIB for Capacitors and their connections to points. Another strategy is to add many
bulk capacitance in the multiple farads the board can be simplified into a series different capacitor values, with varying
using tantalum or aluminum electrolytic model of capacitance (C), equivalent self-resonant frequencies, to “fill in” the
capacitors to maintain acceptable droop, series resistance (R), and equivalent gap between the two resonance points.
kick, and settling time at the DUT. This series inductance (L). Impedance (Z) This method often requires power
space savings can be used for more of an ideal capacitor is Zc=1/(jωC), integrity simulation to properly select
higher-frequency ceramic caps, or more where ω is 2π* frequency. Adding in capacitor values and quantities.
Table 2: Comparison of solutions for satisfying stable DUT voltages across a wide frequency range of transient currents.
28 Chip Scale Review May • June • 2022 []