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Figure 3: a) (left) Typical process flow for imprinting wafer-level optics, which can be accomplished by b) (right) an EVG7300 UV nanoimprint lithography system. The
EVG7300 UV-NIL system can support multiple processes, including SmartNIL, wafer-level optics and device stacking.
The combination of large assembly interaction relies largely on shape and the functional photonic structures on
tolerances and wide-band surface geometry [3]. For example, NIL allows the target substrates (see Figure 3).
coupling enables the transition of silicon the imprint of complex geometries such While multiple replications are needed to
photonics packaging from specialized as sharp edges of deflector mirrors, support the scaling and to avoid wear out
e q u i p m e n t t o s t a n d a r d p a s s i ve curved surfaces, high and low aspect of the single die master, the final imprints
alignment assembly protocols and tools. ratio structures as well as imprinting in of the fully-functional optical structures
This transition supports high-yield and deep cavities. Wafer-level optics (WLO) demonstrated high pattern fidelity,
high-volume packaging. In addition, processes have long proven their high precise alignment and precise control
it allows unique packaging protocols repeatability in high-volume production of desired layer thicknesses. Scanning
such as detachable and post-reflow fiber for optical sensors and are now being electron microscope (SEM) inspection
connectivity, which are optimized for leveraged for photonic packaging. showed residual layer thickness at <1% of
assemblies with large numbers of fibers The NIL process offers significant the structure height and high alignment
and co-packaged optics applications. yield and cost advantages for the above- accuracy to within less than 500nm.
Moreover, the PhotonicPlug and the mentioned structures compared to In particular, the precise alignment to
Photonic Bump, fueled with their conventional manufacturing methods, the optical structures underneath the
surface coupling and large tolerances, such as diamond drilling, laser direct photonic chip is crucial for the excellent
create an effective wafer-level testing writing and electron-beam writing, coupling performance described above.
capability prior to wafer dicing, thereby which have very low throughput and Working in conjunction with the
enhancing silicon photonics wafer are therefore difficult to scale up to Photonic Bump packaging technology,
manufacturing yields. larger substrates and volume-production N I L is now m a k i ng wafe r- scale
environ ments. Incor porating the packaging possible in the photonics
Application of NIL to silicon NIL process enables the use of best- industry, which could have a profound
photonics performing dies and the ability to impact on lowering packaging and
NIL has proven to be the most effective efficiently bring these high-quality overall product costs. Whereas packaging
method of replicating complex structures, patterns into production lines. is still a relatively small (but growing)
such as 2.5D features, grayscale patterns Teramount worked with EVG to share of overall complementary metal-
and freeform optics, because it is not establish suitable manufacturing process oxide semiconductor (CMOS) production
limited to the constraints of optical solutions for Teramount’s Photonic Bump. costs, it represents the majority of overall
lithography. Standard optical lithography In the development work, a wafer-scale cost in photonics manufacturing, which
is optimized to build up structures master stamp with the Photonic Bump still relies on single-device packaging
layer by layer. While this layer by layer structures was produced from a single- schemes. Wafer-level i nteg rated
approach makes it ideally suited to the die “hard master” using EVG’s Step and photonics, enabled by NIL and Photonic
needs of the electronics industry, it is not Repeat (S&R) NIL process. This scaling Bump packaging, has the potential to flip
sufficient for manufacturing photonic enables wafer-level mass-production this equation.
structures. In contrast, NIL enables the processes, and is typically based on two The ability of NIL to provide accurate
patterning of 3D structures in a single- steps. First, the S&R master is used to placement of optical elements on silicon
step process, which is ideally suited for replicate multiple working stamps. Next, photonics wafers plays a critical role
the photonics industry where light-matter the working stamps are used to imprint in shifting the typical fiber packaging
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