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        and conductor using photolithographic   a way to further scale IO count beyond   towards 100x100mm  and beyond, glass
        processes. While these processes are   assembly limits. Because these interposers   interposers can become an ideal candidate
        well-known, their use in advanced HDI   do not have chip-level bumps, they do not   provided the throughput of through-glass
        packaging is limited because of two main   suffer from electrical parasitics arising   via (TGV) drilling and thin-glass handling
        challenges: 1) Large total thickness variation   from solder-based interconnects. This can   in manufacturing lines can be improved.
        (TTV) leading to nonplanar surfaces; and   result in improved signal integrity (SI) and   In Table 2 we provide a comparison
        2) Dimensional instability due to a decrease   better power delivery to the dies [26]. As   between the various 2D approaches
        in elastic modulus with temperature.   we move to finer IO pitches, an important   considered based on the metrics discussed
        Nevertheless, there is a continuous push   consideration for the selection of process   earlier [30,8,31,32,33,29]. In the table we
        towards advancing the scope of laminates in   technology is the testability for known-  also include silicon interconnect fabric
        advanced packaging for cost reasons, which   good-die (KGD). Yield and cycle time are   (silicon IF), an approach being developed
        has led to significant advances in materials   also important differentiators for both these   where dies are assembled onto a 300mm
        for core and dielectric, along with process   technologies. While in chip-last packages,   silicon wafer with RDL layers, where the
        advances in micro-via technology, and   the KGDs are assembled after substrate   wafer forms the system akin to wafer-scale
        lithography. The most advanced BT-epoxy   manufacturing and therefore enable testing.   integration [31]. The dielectric constant
        laminate core today has a CTE of 3ppm/  In chip-first packages, however, the dies   (D k ) shown in the table corresponds
        K, a T g  of 300°C, and an elastic modulus of   are committed to the package prior to   to the dielectric material used for the
        34GPa measured at 25°C [19]. The assembly   interconnect formation and therefore, “lost”   interconnections and does not represent
        bump pitch today is as low as 80µm in   in the event of wiring yield loss. Today,   that of the core material. For example, in
        production and <55µm in research and   chip-last packages support 2/2µm L/S using   silicon-based approaches, the dielectric
        development [20,21]. The smallest line, via   3-4 wiring layers and 40µm assembly pitch,   used is SiO 2  with a D k  of 3.9. Apart from
        and capture pad reported to date by Shinko   while chip-first packages are at 5/5µm L/S   lowering the standalone interconnect loss,
        are 2µm line width, 10µm via diameter with   with 3 layers and 80µm IO pitch [27].  a lower dielectric constant can also help
        a 25µm capture pad, leading to a wiring                               reduce channel-to-channel crosstalk. In
        density of 145 IO/mm/layer [22].   Glass-based approach               chip-first fan-out, [31] shows superior
          In wafer-level fan-out (WFO), or fan-out   Glass has been in consideration as a core   bandwidth density because of the lower
        packages, the redistribution wiring and IOs   material for interposer substrates because   dielectric constant of the material.
        extend outside of the die footprint onto the   of the following advantages [28,29]: 1)   3D architectures. 3D stacking, is one
        molded fan-out region where the packages   glass is available in large panels (used   of the best approaches for achieving ultra-
        are balled for assembly. Infineon was the   in displays like organic laminate panels   high die-to-die bandwidth because the
        first company to introduce WFO packages   today) unlike the wafer forms of silicon;   transistors are in close proximity to each
        for radio frequency (RF) and analog   2) glass is a low-loss, insulating material   other. While such approaches support
        applications [23]. The first high-volume   compared to CMOS-grade silicon, which   short interconnect lengths, they are often
        production of embedded fan-out packages   is a lossy semiconducting material; 3)   times limited by: 1) area occupied by
        (WFO) occurred when TSMC manufactured   the ultra-smooth surface of glass – like a   TSVs because they are much larger than
        these for the Apple iPhone 7 in 2016, using   silicon wafer – is ideal for fine-pitch, high-  the transistors; 2) challenges associated
        integrated fan-out (InFO) technology [24].   density RDL fabrication processes using   with power delivery through multiple
        Although fan-out packaging has only been   photolithography and planarization; and   stacks; and 3) poor thermal dissipation
        applied to mobile applications today with   4) glass has good dimensional stability   for dies at the bottom of the stack. There
        a die size of 13x13mm  and an assembly   with a high Young’s modulus of 70GPa   have also been a few non-TSV based 3D
        pitch of 80µm, several fan-out packages   like silicon (120GPa) and, therefore, shows   approaches as an alternative to foundry-
        are being developed for larger ICs with a   lower warpage as compared to organic   only 3D stacking options. While these
        <40µm assembly pitch tailored for high-  laminate substrates (that have a modulus   solutions address the drawbacks of TSVs,
        performance computing (HPC) applications.   between 20–35GPa). The CTE of glass   they are often limited by the number of
        Based on the manufacturing process flow,   can be tailored between 3–10ppm/K. This   dies connected in 3D form and therefore, a
        they can be grouped into chip-first and chip-  property, combined with the high Young’s   hybrid combination of 2D and 3D solutions
        last fan-out approaches.           modulus of glass, is ideal for direct   is necessary for scaling the performance of
          In chip-first fan-out packages [25],   assembly of a glass interposer to a PWB.   a system.
        dies are reconstituted into 300mm round   This is shown in Figure 6e, which uses a
        wafers and molded with epoxy-based   glass CTE of 7–9ppm/K. This packaging  TSV-based 3D
        molding compounds before fabricating   architecture of a 2.5D glass interposer   Because 3D stacking is largely a
        the RDL on these molded wafers. On the   that is also the BGA package module   semiconductor foundry-based process,
        other hand, in chip-last fan-out packages,   (the package substrate can be removed),   it requires a combination of many
        the RDL is fabricated on a temporary   can be directly assembled onto a PWB,   key technologies. First of all, TSVs
        carrier upon which the ICs are assembled   mitigating the parasitics arising from   are formed in the dies typically using
        and then molded. The fan-out module is   bulky BGA organic packages. In research,   the Bosch process, where the barrier
        then released from the carrier for package   glass interposers have been demonstrated   layers are insulated and metallized.
        substrate attachment. Chip-first packages   with  2/2µm  L/S  with  4-8  layers  of   The second key technology is in wafer
        enable ultra-thin form factors, avoid the   wiring, 40µm assembly pitch and 800µm   thinning (die thickness <100µm) that
        need for chip-level assembly, and provide   BGA pitch. As interposer sizes grow   enables die stacking with reasonable

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