Page 18 - Chip Scale Review_January February_2022-digital
P. 18
3D interconnect inspection for heterogeneous chip
packaging using WSI
By Shahab Chitchian [INTEKPLUS CO., LTD.]
H eterogeneous integration
through the use of chiplet
pa ck ag i n g , i n clud i ng
f a n - ou t wa fe r-le vel p a ck a g i ng
(WLP) and panel-level packaging
(PLP) architecture, has become a key
technology to continue Moore’s Law
by improving yield and reducing total
product cost [1,2]. Another important
driver for heterogeneous integration
is to improve performance and power
efficiency, which can be achieved
by decreasing interconnect pitch
and increasing interconnect density.
Therefore, capable 3D interconnect/
bump inspection is necessary to enable
heterogeneous packaging.
In this article, white-light scanning
interferometry (WSI) technology is
presented for the latest heterogeneous
chip 3D bu mp i nspect ion. Fi rst, Figure 1: a) Oblique and coaxial methods for 3D interconnect inspection; b) multi-reflectance
3D automated optical inspection detection for layer separation during interconnect 3D measurement.
(AOI) based on oblique and coaxial the coaxial method compared to the
methods is introduced. As a coaxial Interconnect inspection process oblique method. This can be overcome
method, scanning interferometry is 100% 3D interconnect inspection by enlarging the FOV and using a
described to accurately measure 3D a p p l i e d i n t h e s e m i c o nd u c t o r high-speed camera as two solutions.
interconnects from a few micrometers mounting process requires both high T he coa x ial met ho d con sist s of
to a few hundred micrometers with accuracy and high speed. As shown confocal and WSI.
various ref lectances. Key features in Figure 1a, oblique and coaxial Within coaxial technologies, WSI
of WSI technology including multi- methods are currently being used has the key advantage of being able to
reflectance surface 3D measurement, widely in the industry. The oblique distinguish transparent layers related
high-speed camera, custom-made frame method includes technologies like to RDLs, e.g., a polyimide (PI) layer,
grabber, and large field of view (FOV) moiré and laser scanning. Oblique illustrated in Figure 1b. In this article, an
are introduced in the second section, angle illumination or camera angle interferometry system is discussed for 3D
followed by the 3D inspection algorithm. causes a nonsensitive (shadow) zone interconnect inspection and metrology
Furthermore, inspection results and 3D that may impact measurement results. of microelectronic devices; preliminary
interconnect parameters of bump height, Therefore, these technologies provide results are presented. The outlines
bump coplanarity, and chip area warpage a good estimate of interconnect/bump are: 1) WSI system; 2) 3D inspection
(CAW) are explained to overcome height variation—but not an accurate algorithm; 3) measurement results; 4)
challenges of large form factor multi- measurement. Another measurement 3D interconnect inspection parameters;
chip packaging. One main challenge is error when using the oblique method and 5) multi-reflectance detection for
how to assure successful die bonding is caused by a shiny surface that has a transparent layer measurement.
conditions before silicon die attach to high surface reflectance. To overcome
the expensive multi-chip package. Last, the accuracy limitation of the oblique
but not the least, a case study for multi- method, coaxial illumination and a WSI system
reflectance detection is presented to coaxial camera are applied, which The WSI system concept is shown
measure dielectric layer thickness during result in the shadow-free and accurate in Figure 2. A 25M pixel high-speed
redistributed layer (RDL) processing for measurement of interconnect/bump camera, operating at 150 f rames
fan-out WLP applications. height. Lower throughput (in units per second (FPS), is used to capture
per hour [UPH]), is a disadvantage of interferometry images. Because of
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