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are not based on silicon and relatively
        expensive, resulting in higher system
        cost at around 1550nm wavelengths.
        While sensitivity and infrared detection
        performance is acceptable among all
        of these detector types, gain is much
        higher in SiPMs and SPADs. For
        effective detection, the receiving signal
        power cannot be increased without
        increasing the aperture of the collecting
        lens or using a detector with high
        photosensitivity. Another challenge is
        the design of bandpass filters that need
        to work at wavelengths of sun during
        the day, and streetlights and headlights
        during the night. Consequently, analog
        detection still has a lot of challenges.
        Some designers have opted for statistical
        detection using SPADs because SPADs
        work on the principle of received pulses
        and histogram development.
          Finally, the key beam-steer ing
        technologies that are being implemented
        a nd resea rched tod ay (as show n
        in  Figure 4) include: mechanical,
        microelect romechanical systems
        (MEMS), Flash, and optical phased
        arrays (OPAs) and discussed more in
        depth in reference [3]. Mechanical
        L I DA R s a r e p r i m a r i l y u s e d i n   Figure 5: LIDAR cost breakdown and trends. SOURCE: IHS Markit
        robotic cars today. These are multi-
        channel devices with multiple lasers
        and detectors that rotate 360°. The
        mechanical designs are bulky, costly
        and present aesthetic problems for
        the average customer, limiting its
        implementation in light passenger
        ve h icle s . M E M S LI DA R u s e s a
        microscanning mirror integrated with
        actuators on silicon that steer the laser
        beam during illumination. These designs
        are relatively cheaper, compared to
        mechanical LIDARs, but reliability
        concerns persist under all terrain
        conditions. In Flash LIDARs, instead of
        scanning over an entire area, the laser
        beam is illuminated all at once. There
        are no moving parts in such LIDARs,
        offering better reliability for automotive
        use cases. Obviously, an array of
        detectors is needed to form an image. A   Figure 6: LIDAR building blocks. SOURCE: IHS Markit
        slight variation of the Flash concept is   Packaging solutions        for the emerging LIDAR sensors of the
        sequential Flash where illumination of   Lacking government mandates for   ADAS market. Because of the varying
        an entire scene is not done at once, but   LIDAR, vehicle OEMs have chosen the   requirements of LIDAR customers, the
        rather, column by column. Lastly, OPA   path of redundancy to ensure safety in   market consists of highly fragmented
        steers the illumination by controlling   autonomous driving. Cameras, radar   solutions. Today, however, the cost
        the phase of an array of lasers. Similar   and LIDAR not only complement   of LIDAR systems is higher because
        to Flash LIDARs, there are no moving   each other, but also compete in some   of the lack of economies of scale
        parts and therefore, OPA offers good   applications as shown in Figure 3. We   and inherently expensive incumbent
        reliability as well.
                                           are able to provide package solutions   technologies for mass markets such as

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