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Direct bonding: a key enabler for 3D technologies

        By Emilie Bourjot, Frank Fournel  [CEA-Leti]

        D          irect bonding techniques   (SiP) and 3D integration schemes enable   Direct bonding processes

                   are constantly in evolution
                                                                                Among bonding techniques, direct
                                           and/or substrate materials together,
                   to address “More Moore”   the possibility to mix different technologies   bonding is of particular interest for
        and “More than Moore” challenges. CEA-  addressing not only high-performance   3D applications. Direct bonding is a
        Leti has developed expertise in direct   computing (HPC) applications requiring   spontaneous bonding of two surfaces
        bonding since the ‘90s with the emergence   high-density interconnections, but also   without liquid adhesive material. Among
        of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology.   cost-sensitive applications (e.g., edge   the different direct bonding technologies,
        Since then, CEA-Leti teams have continued   artificial intelligence and Internet of   molecular bonding –  which implies
        to actively innovate in direct bonding   Things [IoT]). Breakthrough innovations   hydrophilic surfaces – is the most
        to  widen  the  application  field.  This   are necessary to meet all specifications in   common one. When two hydrophilic
        technique is based on the cohesion of two   terms of substrate materials and/or high-  surfaces are intimately in contact at
        surfaces put intimately in contact at room   density interconnections. Direct bonding   room temperature, van der Waals forces,
        temperature. Then, van der Waals forces   represents a group of technologies that   hydrogen bonds and capillarity bridges
        (hydrogen bonds) and capillarity bridges   enable the bonding of two substrates   create the needed adhesion energy to start
        create the needed adhesion energy. A post-  vertically. This attribute matches perfectly   and propagate this spontaneous bonding.
        bonding annealing changes weak bonds   with 3D requirements because it can be   Just after the bonding, even if some
        into covalent bonds to make one piece of   applied to high-density interconnections   covalent bondings are already present
        material at the end. Direct bonding now   through hybrid bonding and can mix   at room temperature, a post-bonding
        addresses not only substrate fabrication, but   different materials with tiling. After a brief   annealing is necessary to increase their
        also the 3D interconnections domain with   introduction on our expertise in direct   density. The adherence energy, which
        the emergence of hybrid bonding.   bonding processes, a discussion of state-  is also called “the bonding energy,”
          This article presents the different direct   of-the-art processes for hybrid bonding   increases during the annealing using
        bonding techniques and their application   and heterogeneous III-V D2W bonding is   different physical-chemical mechanisms
        in the microelectronics industry and   presented. Finally, we highlight the latest   depending on the joining materials.
        R&D as developed by CEA-Leti. In the   hybrid bonding D2W improvements and   Definitively, the direct bonding
        first part of the article, direct bonding   the critical role of TSVs in 3D integration.  phenomenon is different from thermo-
        physics are succinctly presented. Then,                               compression and adhesive bonding, which
        a summary of state-of-the-art bonding   More than 30 years of expertise in   require, respectively, both temperature and
        technologies is depicted, including hybrid   bonding                  pressure, or an additional material such as
        bonding wafer-to-wafer (WTW), hybrid   CEA-Leti has developed deep expertise   polymer to ensure contact between the two
        bonding die-to-wafer (DTW) and III-V   in direct bonding since the ‘90s with the   surfaces. Direct bonding is a spontaneous
        heterogeneous bonding. Advantages,   emergence of SOI technology. From first   bonding and its thermal evolution does
        challenges, applications and stakes of each   lab work on oxide/silicon bonding, the   not require an external load. It is a self-
        technique are compared with respect to   technique was developed and maturated   made bonding. Nevertheless, the price for
        the suitable application domain. A third   at CEA-Leti after the Unibond  SOI wafer   this phenomenon is the stringent surface
        part is focused on the latest hybrid bonding   was obtained. After more than 30 years, we   requirements of topography, planarity,
        D2W results presented by CEA-Leti at   have developed an international reputation   roughness, and particulate contamination
        ECTC 2022 and ESTC 2022. Integration   in bonding development, including direct,   responsible for bonding defects. Surface
        challenges are discussed as well as the role   polymer, thermocompression, eutectic   cleanliness and topography are critical to
        of dedicated equipment development. The   and anodic bonding. Our role is to   have a successful direct bond.
        last section presents the potential markets   maturate bonding processes from proof-  Obv iou sly, t he d i rect bond i ng
        and associated products, with an example   of-concept to industrialization. More than   phenomenon is not limited to hydrophilic
        of a chiplet with through-silicon vias (TSVs)   50 scientists and engineers are developing   surfaces. Hydrophobic surfaces can also
        and multi-layer stacking.          new solutions on direct bonding processes   be bonded where only weak van der
                                           and process integration to products   Waals forces are involved for adhesion.
        Introduction                       and we have more than 135 patents in   The stakes are to manage all surface
          The digitalization of the world is   this field. As such, wide knowledge on   characteristics to be compatible with the
        accelerating, which brings new useful   bonding mechanisms was built especially   bond type involved. Therefore, in-depth
        services that increase the need for   in direct bonding, on which fundamental   knowledge of bonding physics is required
        electronic components through a wide   mechanism models for adhesion [1] and   to integrate the most suitable bonding
        range of applications. System-in-package   adherence [2] have been proposed.  technique to the targeted application.

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