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                           Semiconductor packaging trends:

                           an OSAT perspective

                           By David Clark  [Amkor Technology, Inc.]

        W            h i l e s u p p l y c h a i n   The market is underpinned by general   the industry will stabilize in 2022,

                     issues, including severe
                                                                              persist through 2023.
                                           ou t s ou r c i ng , f u n c t io n a l i t y a n d
                     shor tages, occupied   trends in increasing manufacturing   however, substrate challenges will
        much of the visibility for semiconductors   semiconductor content. Notable growth
        in 2021, semiconductor manufacturers and   drivers come from multiple market   Mobile packaging trends
        their outsourced semiconductor assembly   segments such as 5G connectivity,   Many of the market growth drivers
        and test suppliers (OSATS) have continued   automotive, data center, artificial   require increasing  levels  of system
        to make technical progress in many areas.   intelligence (AI) and networking. 5G   integration to meet the ever-increasing
        These technology improvements address   forms the backbone of many connected   demand on performance, power and
        the advanced packaging requirements of   devices and services. While 5G is   cost. As the OSAT supplier becomes an
        leading-edge applications in key market   primarily a wireless connectivity   increasingly integral part of the overall
        segments. Before going into specifics, let’s   growth opportunity, it also is an enabler   system solution, it is in the advanced
        look at the overall market outlook.  for many adjacent markets generating   packaging segment where continued
                                           further semiconductor content growth.  innovation in the areas of system in
        Market outlook                       Despite industry-wide supply chain   package (SiP), 2.5 and 3D packaging
          The semiconductor packaging market   constraints since 2020 and expected   architectures are most apparent.
        continues to show a prosperous outlook   to continue into 2022, many OSATS   Cellular connectivity continues
        and is forecast to grow to $96B by   were  still  able  to  generate  record   t o d r ive a dva nc e me nt s i n r a d io
        2026 (3.8% compound annual growth   revenues. Well reported shortages in   frequency (RF) SiP technologies.
        rate (CAGR) from 21-26) (Figure 1).   IC foundry capacity, together with a   With the rise of 5G, cellular frequency
        This market is typically divided into   constrained substrate supply chain,   bands  have  increased  considerably,
        mainstream and advanced packaging   made for a challenging 2021. With   requiring innovative solutions for the
        segments with the latter being expected   newly publicized investments in these   packaging of RF front-end modules
        to exceed the mainstream segment for the   areas for capacity expansion, it is hoped   for smartphones and other 5G-enabled
        first time by 2026.                that lead times will slowly reduce, and   devices. Amkor’s double-sided molded

        Figure 1: Advanced packaging vs. traditional packaging market forecast (2014-2026). SOURCE: [1]

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