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varying degrees of conditional automation   to change to something better than the    nor does anyone start at the top of the
        and higher (Figure 2). These factories   status quo.                  mountain. Our experience is that achieving
        have become equipped to take the next                                 zero defects really does start with the
        step towards AI. Most chips for automotive   CSR: How would you characterize the   technology visionary who understands
        applications are being manufactured in   way advanced excursion control, along with   the manufacturing business impact that
        less sophisticated factories. These factories   metrology capacity and dynamic metrology,   technology can deliver. Selecting the right
        lack data systems and enough of the right   achieve a holistic approach to a customer’s   partners and suppliers is critical. This
        resources (money and people) to master   quality strategy?            process often results in replacing legacy
        AI. For the industry to move forward,   DH:  We define  a  holistic  quality   systems (homegrown or under-capable)
        increased levels of commitment are   approach as one that can learn and utilize   that will leverage industry learning, as
        required. Furthermore, an understanding   three fundamental types of definitions of   opposed to single fab learning. This effort
        of the applications that leverage Industry   intelligence. We talk about these in terms of   often requires a shift in culture and change
        4.0 concepts and technologies are required   levels of intelligence (Figure 3). At the first   in processes and skill profiles. Finally,
        to move towards AI. Companies we have   level – sensory intelligence – quality systems   it is important to not underestimate the
        seen succeed typically begin when they   can make decisions within the scope of their   challenge of change. But for those willing,
        have a “technology visionary” followed by   data. This is a passive automation system   the reward of increased quality can
        executive sponsorship and a willingness   (Figure 2). When two or more systems   be realized.
                                           share data to increase the effectiveness of a
                                           decision, we call this peripheral intelligence.   Biography
                                           Next, interdependent intelligence occurs   David F. Hanny is Director of Marketing
                                           when systems work together to achieve   at Applied Materials, Automation Products
                                           common objectives. At this level, machine   Group, Salt Lake City, UT. He has been
                                           learning begins and is supported by data   working in the nano-manufacturing
                                           analytics. In our view, this level provides a   industries for the past 25 years as a supplier
                                           holistic approach to customer quality and   of automation software, bringing multiple
                                           maps to the predictive automation state.   innovative software products to market that
                                           For factories, these are stepping stones of   are being used in semiconductor, display, and
                                           continuous improvement to increase quality.  pharma industries. He has done extensive
                                                                              work in the areas of material handling
        Figure 3: Quality intelligence levels: A holistic   CSR: Are there any other significant   controls, RFID, and advanced short-
        quality approach can be addressed in terms of levels   aspects to achieving a zero defects quality   interval scheduling. He has a BS degree
        of intelligence, starting with sensory intelligence, in   control strategy for automotive applications?  in Computer Science from Weber State U.
        which quality systems can make decisions within the   DH:  There are no silver bullets,
        scope of their data.                                                  Email

        Moving automotive quality to zero defects

        By Selim Nahas  [Applied Materials, Automation Products Group]  Manan Dedhia  [Analog Devices]
        T        he last 10 years have experienced   automated to manual and have been in

                 an  explosive  demand  for
                                           that drive the decision to use 150mm and
                 automotive electronic parts   production for 15 to 30 years. The economics
        (Figure 1). In 2016, for example, a top-of-the-  200mm facilities is also changing—although
        line Bentley required 110 pounds of wiring   not for the foreseeable next five years. Within
        with 90 computers to connect. In 2020,   the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC)
        similar wiring and connectivity requirements   and International Standards Organization
        are prevalent in most cars that people buy.   (ISO), recent announcements on increased
        The automotive industry is among the least   safety, design for test (DFT), and design
        dependent on leading-edge supply chain   for manufacturability (DFM) reflect the   Figure 1: The automotive electronic revolution.
        technologies, instead choosing to use parts   inevitable rise of Level 4 and Level 5   Tier 1s. These announcements have rightfully
        made on legacy nodes with proven reliability.   autonomous vehicles and automotive original   doubled down on a zero-defect mindset to
        Most of these legacy node fabs are semi-  equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and    reduce the cost of non-quality.

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