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January • February 2020
Volume 24, Number 1
4 Technology Trends
Antenna in package (AiP): disrupting
wireless communication and HMI
Stéphane Elisabeth
[System Plus Consulting]
48 Industry News
Photo courtesy of iStock/Norman Cooper
Wafer geometry is vital for process control
at the front end of line, and ultimately, FEATURE ARTICLES
device yield. Additionally, as wafer
thinning becomes ever more critical at
the far back end of line, so too, is being 8 Reliability and performance of WLFOP
able to quickly measure wafer geometry for automotive radar
(e.g., nanotopography, roughness) on
the entire wafer. Not only has wavefront Walter Hartner
phase imaging been shown to be a [Infineon Technologies AG]
good candidate for FEOL and FBEOL
applications, it is also showing promise for
global wafer geometry measurements on
patterned wafers during BEOL processes.
Amkor has the capabilities and experience
to ensure automotive success.
Automotive customers require
suppliers that have the highest
levels of experience, technical
capability and quality.
As a stable, long-term OSAT, Amkor
partners with semiconductor customers
supplying automotive Tier 1s and OEMs.
We provide technology expertise, intelligent
package design, quality systems based on
automotive standards and highly capable
automotive-grade facilities.
Enabling the Future ▶
Chip Scale Review January • February • 2020 [] 1 1