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Figure 9: Phase linearity measurement: a) (left) for each antenna in the array, and b) (right)  ACLR measurement for the H-polarization using the radiating near-field OTA setup.
        measurement example in  Figure 9b   testing in some circumstances. We have   technical contributions to this project. We
        is of an adjacent channel leakage ratio   shown that parametric measurements can   would also like to thank Prof. Jan Hesselbarth
        (ACLR) measurement with all antennas   be done in the radiating near field if careful   from the University of Stuttgart for his
        transmitting in a beam-forming mode.  attention is paid on the measurement antenna   continuing collaboration on OTA testing.
          There are several other possible   design and also on the choice of the distance
        measurements that can be done in an   between the DUT and the measurement   References
        OTA measurement setup. As a general   antenna. In the radiating near-field case   1. J. Moreira, “Testing AiP modules
        guideline, almost all the measurements we   a straightforward value correlation is not   in high-volume production for 5G
        can do in a conductive mmWave testing   always possible with the far field. But in a   applications,” Chip Scale Review,
        (e.g., at wafer level) can be done at OTA.  production setup, the important task is to be   May/June 2020.
          It is clear that the radiating near-  able to differentiate good from bad devices,   2. K-L. Wong, Compact and BroadBand
        field OTA measurement setup presents   and that is achievable with a radiating near-  Microstrip Antennas, Wiley, 2002.
        significantly more complex correlation   field OTA configuration. As shown in   3. C. Zwenger, V. Chaudhry, “Antenna
        challenges than a far-field OTA setup. But   [1], the radiating near field has significant   in package (AiP) technology for 5G
        the critical point of a radiating near-field   advantages for high-volume production in   growth,“ Chip Scale Review March/
        OTA measurement setup is its simplicity   terms of complexity and cost. Finally, in this   April, 2020.
        and mechanical dimensions. It is very   article we did not present the correlation to   4. M. Kottkamp, et al., 5G New Radio
        close to a standard ATE socket, which   the reactive near-field OTA approach due to   Fundamentals, Procedures, Testing
        means it can be easily incorporated into   size constraints, but Advantest will present   Aspects, Rohde & Schwarz.
        a multi-site standard ATE test cell. This   this topic in the future.   5. J.  Moreira,  J.  Hesselbarth,  K.
        makes its cost of test much lower than a                                  Dabrowiecki, “Challenges of over
        far-field OTA setup.               Acknowledgements                       the air (OTA) testing with ATE,”
                                             We would like to thank Sui-Xia Yang   TestConX China, Shanghai, Oct. 29,
        Summary                            and Frank Goh from Advantest for the   2019.
          OTA testing with ATE is possible in   test program development and also for the   6. C. Parini, et al., “Theory and
        different configurations: in the far field,   measurements execution. We would also like   practice of modern antenna range
        radiating near field, and reactive near field   to thank Natsuki Shiota, Aritomo Kikuchi,   measurements,” IET 2014.
        as described in [1]. An OTA loopback   Hiromitsu Takasu, Hiroyuki Mineo, and
        configuration can also be possible for OTA   Yasuyuki Kato from Advantest for their

                         Jose Moreira is a Senior R&D Staff Engineer at Advantest in Böblingen, Germany. He focuses on testing
                       high-speed digital, silicon photonics, and 5G mmWave devices and holds an MS degree in Electrical and
                       Computer Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon U., Portugal. He is a senior member of
                       the IEEE, technical member of the IEEE P370 standard and co-author of the book An Engineer’s Guide to
                       Automated Testing of High-Speed Digital Interfaces. Email

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